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Everything posted by p1ggm

  1. Can you modify the cars??? i want more power...ok so who wants to set up a competition in my garden in the summer?? with the state its in it is like a rally stage on a small scale
  2. Grant is organising something for next year.. My name is on the list and a few others from sidc i think
  3. << River City Fantastic!! I'm trying to get a part on this fabulous local BBC Scotland soap. >> SOAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought it was a fly on the wall documentry
  4. Contact Grant at AWD in perth
  5. i got one last year for my christmas....gonna set it up in my loft once i get it converted and make a massive track... (mental age 12)
  6. << Look at the pipes closer!! How photoshopped is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >> look closer at the car.....how ugly is that
  7. merry christmas santa not good to me,, i asked for abi titmus...got socks hope everyone had a good day
  8. well i actually had a good experiance with a dealer today... melviles done ma back shocks and mount....Ta
  9. why not just accept the point taht i am trying to make and move on, i have discussed it with phil and we are cool, i aint gonna keep brining it up, but if someone else has a problem i will hear them out before shouting them down
  10. i dont want to take them to court, i would just like to bring some point to subaru themselves, I dont know why people think i hate a certian dealership so much, they have missed the point like so many and people saying i think they are theiving scum... this is simply not true, out of interets to these people i actually got a great deal on the car, and the saleman who sold me the car was a nice and funny guy who i liked dealing with, yes i lost out on some things that was promised with the car...it is NOT the value of this that i am protesting about....its the principal of it...i dont care about the cost as i made a big saving on the car with the extras that i ordered, and when the engine managment light came on i was lied to, which is one reason why i wouldent go back. why are people getting all high and mighty about this??? I know better etc.... I dont care what other people think Dealers, Tuners and other companies. They are there to be adored and scorned, admired and admonished, revered and questioned constantly. But, there is a fine line between scorning/admonishing/questioning and defaming/wrongly accusing/slandering. Are you saying that i am a lier and doing this for the fun of it?? i have never wronly accused them
  11. i reccomend an impact socket fae snap on works every time
  12. what was the compliant about??? someone can pm me the details if they dont want to post it, i am considering writing to subaru direct with complaints about dealerships
  13. << << Great original post to prompt discussion and debate though >> Here Here >> i couldnt agree more, one point thou, there is a difference between paying over the odds..which realy doesnt bother me if i think it is worth it, (i would gladly pay more for the cars last service because of the quality of work but as it happens i got a VERY good price?? and being taken for a fool buy dealers and some of the staff.
  14. just to remind people...here is my first post..... if someone expresses an opinoin about for example a bad service at a dealership??? is it slanderous?? i wouldent say so but as this is a subaru backed club then is it not pointless having forums, as i am unhappy with 3 yes THREE dealers in my surrounding area, but if i was to comment my post would be edited or deleted??? I dont think this is fair as people are being ripped off by subaru garages and there customer care in some garages is very very poor.
  15. i have had a look at arnold sucks....and you are worried about a few dealerships have you read some of the comments and they help people by warning customers what they are dealing with... nice of you to join phil
  16. thats a standard notice at the start...not my personal views, i would change it if i could
  17. fair enough http://www.japclub.co.uk/forum/viewforum.php?f=16
  18. well, what if i recomend a garage....that will be saying its better than another, whats wrong with saying i dont like one??? you are still missing the point, the argument aint about said garage anymore.....ps i have worked in a dealership, i have seen the way YOUR cars get driven....and you dont want to know??? i know i would
  19. everyone is missing the point...... doesnt matter...sidc wins, i cant be bothered anymore..... i just dont see the point in........ f@ck it
  20. so in simple terms its a waste of time??
  21. << The situation here is quite clear, and there is no need to rant. The opinions stated in any individual's post are clearly those of the individual. The club, however, publishes those opinions on the forums. As a publisher we still have a duty of care with respect to the content of our publications - i.e. this forum. If the author of the opinions will not withdraw them, and the publisher takes no action to remove them, then the operator of the website (i.e. our hosting partners) could ultimately be asked to shut down the site completely. This can be legally enforced and there are plenty examples of situations where websites have been shut down because of material that was hosted on them but hadn't been put there by the operator or publisher of the website. In general the club approaches this duty pragmatically. I'm glad to observe that 99% of the time the posts on our forum do not cause problems. I'd like to see this trend continue. For the occasional posts that do cause offence or raise concern, then as the publisher of that material we must act in the best interests of the club as a whole. Accordingly we may, on those very rare occasions, edit posts or remove threads. Your acceptance of this forms part of the Terms and Conditions for the use of the SIDC Forums - to which we all agreed, as part of the signup procedure. Your continuing support and cooperation, to ensure that we can continue to be pragmatic about how we approach this issue, is greatly appreciated. >> well what is the point in the disclaimer???
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