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Everything posted by p1ggm

  1. phil the car is a year old now..i have moved on and dont care..... its the fact that i cannot express a view i am annoyed about.
  2. i am not taking it out on you. but these are MY yes MY and one more time MY comments NOT SIDC OR WHATEVER ELSE..... MY COMMENT MY COMMENT MY COMMENT HAVE I MADE MY POINT YET you are turning into scoobynet.......deleted next probably
  3. have you read any of the posts????? you think i havent tried that??? its ok, i know i cannot depend on sidc to help out the little guy.... corporate cr@p 1 - Me 0 end of rant and membership i think
  4. i will gladly speak to him, as the general manager just panned me off with nonsense
  5. Right fine then...why not get the owner of town and county to my front door?????? this is not libelous.... whats the point in having a club...you being admin...dougster being a mod...and you dont listen to members or close them down when they make a point??? and i think it is a good point.
  6. WHAT??? they are not the views expressed by the club??? and they can still sue....if i was you i would get a new solicitor if thats what they tell you yes the annoyed me....but i think members should be aware of what they are dealing with
  7. and also why hasnt dougsters post saying "thieving scum" been edited...i did not say that so he has take ME out of context and offended me
  8. << We receive no "Kick Backs" from anyone And the inferance is insulting >> well why are sidc and scottishscoob members not allowed to express a view?? what is the problem??? i really dont understand, why?? i am not offending any one person directly? i am putting my views across of a garage that has NO level of customer care towards me and other people i know???? is it cause i am 26 and payed the car in one go???what?? do they only like you if you take 5 years to pay it off so they make more money from selling finance??? These are supposed to be PUBLIforums for sidc members....not forums that work for admin and mods???? we are the members should you not listen to us??? I have paid for membership after all
  9. I didnt say thieving scum...thats YOUR view
  10. and my posts, which are MY veiws are still being edited...is it fair to say subaru pay you to run the site??? or are you getting kick backs from TOWN AND COUNTY you shouldent edit this cause it is not slanderous
  11. Subaru roughly translated means = Take money and run, and iff possible Sh!t on the owners IN MY OPINOIN
  12. I have....they emailed me back saying.. If you would like to pay for the order(stuff i was promised when i handed over 25 F()kin K) then we will be happy to send you the items.... and what about the first "free" service....hahahahaa, what a p!ss take and when the engine management light comes on?? then goes off, "sorry sir, the car does not store the fault code" why do these people just insult me with this???? I WORK IN A GARAGE
  13. i said it was my opinoin....and you have a disclamer dont you...come on, i studied law on my media course, i know that cause its MY OPINOIN sidc cannot be held responsible
  14. << To answer your own question, yes, and it has been edited, as your comment was your opinion and not that of the SIDC or Scottish Scoobies. >> am i missing something here...you say its my opinion but still edit?? right so now. let me get this right a subaru dealership can rip me off, take my hard earned cash, LIE to me and treat me like scum once i have payed for the car??? But I cannot express an opinoin??? THIS IS WRONG Do you not have a disclaimer at he start when you register on the forum...or can i put In my opinoin and not the views expressed by SIDC or Scottishscoobies, ???? That ok?? why should they not be named and shamed this is for subaru owners....like ME, who pay good money for these cars ##### Potentially libellous Comments removed #####
  15. if someone expresses an opinoin about for example a bad service at a dealership??? is it slanderous?? i wouldent say so but as this is a subaru backed club then is it not pointless having forums, as i am unhappy with 3 yes THREE dealers in my surrounding area, but if i was to comment my post would be edited or deleted??? I dont think this is fair as people are being ripped off by subaru garages and there customer care in some garages is very very poor. Rant over
  16. New site is up and running at last, we are looking for faeture cars and features on web site based clubs. so if anyone is up for a photoshoot please contact me www.scottishjapclub.co.uk admin@scottishjapclub.co.uk Ta Gordon and yes to all mods/admin there is a link to sidc from us
  17. i have an ecu monitor if ya want to plug it in and find the fault
  18. Mr mop also came over to my car when i wasnt in it and was just gonna get in...just as well the guard dog of a fiance was sittin in it.. "I love subarrrooos" then once the skyline put the flamer on he dissapeared
  19. i am sure i recognise the username..... mmmmm hows it going, you returning to a scoob then........ you should stick to the civic...that way i can keep up on the banter runs altou racing a bike (and winning)in the civic wont be as much fun
  20. i uae liquid gold fae nielsen or auto glym car always gets dirty so dont see why people pay that sort of money for polish/wax
  21. kenneth melvile is a good garage, all work been done there on ma scoob, but from now on it will be going to AWD Grant is a top bloke who clearly knows his stuff bought a hks induction kit last week from him, and with the exeption of a ****ing fae the other half it has been a great investment also for discount if you a a member of www.scottishjapclub.co.uk...once it is up and running, you will recieve 10% discount on servicing and other stuff but if you want to know what garages to stay away from in the area pm me as i have had a post edited before...gggggggrrrrrrrrr not allowed to express opinoins on other subaru garages..... even thou i worked in one and seen the way they treated customers cars anyway rant over..... recomend both... but i am going to awd now
  22. I might pop along, as i was thinking of joining ssr a while ago, could you email some details please Ta Gordon
  23. i got mine done at chips away dundee...Mike i think his name was... my car was chipped to fook bonnet bumper wings and all four doors £69 i think it cost.... Mega cheap considering all the work and a top job too, gonna take it back every few months to keep on top on it... so much for the £300 mudflaps....total waste of money.....thanks subaru once again for ripping me off!!!!
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