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Posts posted by Jazmac

  1. what is the correct gap for the plugs my manual says 1.1mm, for a MY98 uk classic 2000, but i have just swaped the short block + heads for a STI-7 as i done in the original engine should the gap be the same??

    any advice girls and guys???

  2. i have a knoking noise comimg from my engine stripped the sump off after a compression test on the cylinders, no 2 was low and when the sump came off found the big end bearing has worn away, resulting in a nasty mess to my con rod and my crank case, i have a new engine on order. to much ware to salvage it, and would cost the same to put new parts in as it wou;d to buy a refurb short block

  3. Does any one know the product number of the bosch o2 sensor out of a MY 98 classic 2.0 turbo, i have it here in my hand and the number says on the side LIC Bosch A24-A27 028 87300, i have searched all over the net and cannot find a match anywhere, has it been supersedded by another model with a different product code.

    Cheers guys and gals

  4. does anyone know any sites where i can get one the cheapest, i also need a starter switch done a self diag on the car and the faults 32(o2 sensor) and 12(starter switch) were flashing up, car is running rough under boost.

    and does any body know where the starter switch may be found??

  5. has any body got one of these arvail valves fitted?? i have one and since i had it on my car stutters at top pressure well its set at 0.9bar so not off the scale, it drives lovely untill it hits the top of the gauge. i cant revert back as the small pipe with the restrictor was shot all perished so took the restrictor out and bin'd the hose, i have fitted brand new plugs set to 0.7mm i dont think its a spark or ht lead fault as the car would run bad all the time, i also have a uprated walbro fuel pump so its not a fuel pressure cut off fault, im thinking of getting a dawes

  6. Hey all, whats the spark plug gaps for a MY98 classic turbo,i have just changed them at the weekend coc my car was stuttering under full foot to the floor but fine with easy driving so o took onboard the coments here and stuck new plugs in i have set them to 1mm - 1.1mm as per the user manual but its running like a pig. prob worse than the old plugs??

  7. Is there any of you guys or gals plasterer's out there i need one URGENTLY for a nice homer, need a full bedroom including ceiling and a full wall in the hallway plastered to be finsihed by Monday nite. I have had the rest of my new house done but the current D***HEAD doing it has let me down so many times now not turned up for over two weeks almost and now i have a very tight deadline due to my new carpets being fitted on Fri 16th/ sat 17th Dec any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

  8. I have fitted a dawes type manual boost valve (wee Brass thingy) i have it set to just 1.0 it was 0.8 before fitting on the turbo gauge but i am getting slight jerking when i have my foot to the floor, i tried taking it off and my turbo pressure fell to 0.5 which is lower than before i fitted the valve so i stuck it back on, i'm thinking i may need a upgraded fuel pump?? any other ideas, i am going to order one anyway as i had a piston burn out a few months back. where would the pump be located i'm thinking its under the rear seat under the bolt off panels is this the right area??

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