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Everything posted by Dalthegooner

  1. Posted by wrxwillo in CADS. Funny as f**k IMHO [] http://s142.photobucket.com/albums/r96/wil...fficeworker.flv
  2. LMFAO [] Excellent.
  3. Oooo. B*tch slap to Honda. You're cr*p now f*ck off [][]
  4. A family Arena Essex ticket.
  5. Morning all []
  6. Oops [:$] Am I too late now Terri or do you still want some money from me?
  7. LOL []
  8. I've got green stuff on mine. Decided not to go for the red stuff as when the wifes driving during the week she doesn't drive hard enough to get the brakes very hot (At least thats what she tells me []) so I decided on the greens. When I changed them I put on Black Diamond discs and Goodridge braided brake lines as well and the brakes are now much better than before.
  9. PMSL [] I've run out of excuses now []
  10. 1. Open a Photobucket account - www.photobucket.com 2. Upload Photograph to photobucket 3. Copy paste entire line marked in photo 4. Paste line into thread and hey presto all done
  11. Obviously very busy at work Dal [] Was waiting for contractors to turn up [:$] Honest []
  12. Have a good day people [Y] I'll be thinking of you while I'm sitting here at work [N]
  13. I got mine from Halfords Barry. Think they were £30 if I remember correctly.
  14. Some lovely looking motors there. The morrettes are definitely the way forward for the bugeye. Totally transform the look [Y] Although still not a patch on the classic []
  15. I'll be at Rally Day on the Saturday. Might pop along on the Sunday. Depends on the weather and whether or not I get out of bed early enough! It'll only be for 2WD motors Vicky. No good for us [N]
  16. That would have been the Mrs. She was going shopping with her daughter. She just said that there was a Scooby behind her that she waved to but got no response [] After I pointed out that we've got blacked out windows she realised why [][]
  17. |Gutted for you mate. Not good news [N] Make sure the quotes you get for the insurance company are for genuine parts ony. Don't accept pattern parts!
  18. Thanks Wimpy, Im trying to get a bit more intrest from the KENT side otherwise looks like it will just be me going , guess i will have to represent kent then? Come on guys I'm sure Dalthegooner is going Spot on. I am indeed [Y]
  19. Good luck Trev [Y] 350/350 should make that grin a little bigger []
  20. Does anyone know when the online auction finishes? I've got a bid going but no-one has e-mailed asking for payment and now the forum is locked [:^)]
  21. Welcome Jamie [] I thought you said you had 'done the escort up' [^o)] Only joking []
  22. Cheers for the heads up Sue [Y] If I catch anyone near mine I'll do time [:@] Hope grandpa's motors not too badly damaged [N] And I hope the thieving winkers die very soon and very painfully [Y]
  23. Sorry to pull out at such a late hour but I have to go to work in the morning so can't make this now []
  24. We'll be at the wharf at 7 in the morning [Y] Nearly forgot about this as I'm busy busy at work at the moment. No time for play [] Aint washed the car in a month. Hopefully I'll be up early enough to give it a rinse in the morning []
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