This post isn't intended to be a personal affront to Pele, so I hope that no offence is taken from it, but is meant for the benefit of Kent Scoobies as a whole.
Please post your thoughts, views and ideas on the subject keeping this thought in mind.
In my opinion we need to have a new Regional Organiser. The clubs member base has grown significantly over the last couple of years and in order for us to move forward to the next level we need an organiser that is fully committed to the club.
We need someone to put some effort into local meets. We could have rolling meets as well as static meets. Vary the days from just a Friday. I hardly ever make the meets as Friday is not a good day for me, and I am sure that there are others in the same boat.
We need someone who actively organises our presence at Local and National events. Kent Scoobies needs to be actively promoted and we need someone who attends the majority of the events to do this.
The final point I am going to make, and I am loathe to do this for fear of reducing what I consider to be an important topic into another pointless post, is Kent Scoobies Merchandise. We need someone that arranges Kent Scoobies Merchandise and makes it readily available for any or all members to buy.
I don't think that the option has been enabled to allow us to have a poll so I can't attach one to this post so I guess that the easiest way to do this is for us to make a list of people who believe, as I do, that we need a new Regional Organiser that is actively involved in the club and can move us forward from being an unorganised shambles into a well presented and organised club.
I believe its time for a new Regional Organiser. . . . .
1. Dalthegooner