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Everything posted by Dalthegooner

  1. Great job I long for a garage big enough to do that sort of project! PMSL
  2. Belated birthday wishes Eureka
  3. Thats not good Baz. Feel for you mate.
  4. No special tools needed for the oil change. Check out Scoobyparts.com. You get a sump plug washer with the oil filter.
  5. Saw a white classic UK wagon on the A2 slip road, Dartford Heath turn off at about 6 this evening. Looked very tidy
  6. Hello and welcome to the nuthouse
  7. Names down Although we'll be getting there early. Already got our tickets
  8. Sorry to read this Lee. Hope the dirty w*****s get run over by a steam roller
  9. Due to the fact that it only does it when you boot it I would say it points more to the gearbox rather than the release bearing.. If it was the release bearing then it would make a noise at any temperature, whereas the more you boot it the hotter and thinner the gearbox oil gets and noises that aren't normally there can occur. In my opinion the gearbox is starting to show wear, although it may be an age before it actually goes. I'd change the gearbox oil. It could cure your problems for a while.
  10. Can we have round neck instead of polo shirts?
  11. That was hilarious :D
  12. 1. Granby (not camping) 2. Dunks (not camping) 3. Stardust (now not sure about camping!!!) 4. Dal and Kim (Not camping, tickets bought)
  13. Firstly, apologies for not attending. I would have liked to have been there, but unfortunately the pressure is on at work and I had to go in to ensure that work that was supposed to be done was indeed done. Sounds like a worthwhile meeting. Lets hope that we can put everything into practice and move forward from here. I don't get a lot of free time but if I can help at all I will so please ask. Finally, congratulations to Granby. Nice one mate. Are they gonna have to design you your very own SIDC badge with both RO and MODERATOR on
  14. Looking good When/where can we order ours?
  15. We had a Bailey dump valve fitted to our first Scooby and had no problems whatsoever. The is absolutely no performance difference between a VTA or a recirc dump valve.
  16. I can't make tomorrow. We're coming ot the end of a project at work and haved a lot of things to finish in order to get Practical Completion, so I've got to work. I vote Granby for RO.
  17. You need a new turbo. No done it yet but as soon as the front mount goes on, the custom turbo with the external wastegate is top of the list.
  18. Check out here or here
  19. Good call Hol. Never thought of that, but it will definitely work. Nice one
  20. We're up for this. And we have a spare tent for you Ian if you fancy camping
  21. We're gonna have to give it a miss. Can't do the 8th (Company Christmas meal) and I'm a fussy f r who doesn't eat Chinese, Indian or Thai
  22. I'll check that. Nice one
  23. According to my Kent Scoobies forum page, every thread, apart from the announcments, has been started by classicscoob Is this just my PC or is everyones the same???
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