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Everything posted by Dalthegooner

  1. Very droll [] LOL []
  2. Looking good Dan [H] Did you have the mesh to protect the Front Mount specially made or did you buy it to fit directly into the bumper?
  3. Agree with ROAR. Hairdryer is the best thing, and warm the stickers up for a good while before removing them. The hotter you get the glue the less mess it leaves behind.
  4. My names down []
  5. Nice one Trev [Y] Did a name spring to mind when you saw her? []
  6. PMSL []
  7. Thats not good news [N] Hope something bigger and better is around the corner.
  8. Happy Days now the hosepipe ban is lifted [Y]
  9. Hello mate and welcome to the madhouse [] I agree with Granby. Elite are the dogs danglies. Was there again at the weekend and the service and help was second to none [Y] Didn't know they do an SIDC discount though [] Could have saved me a few quid!
  10. PMSL [] The curse of the Kent Soccbies T-Shirt strikes again [][][]
  11. Its a bit long winded but you can always un-install it and then re-install it again []
  12. PMSL [] Brilliant
  13. Just for you Lee (and Matt [])
  14. Clicky for Tony's link Nice video [Y]
  15. Check out here for a report on the first drive by Auto Express and a few pics.
  16. LOL []
  17. PMSL [] Like it
  18. Nice one Lee [Y] Definately worth the extra money over an STi with PPP IMHO [H] and it is a limited edition []
  19. Dal this motor parks in a garden opposite axton chase school. been there about 4 months now. Cheers Sue [Y] Puts my mind at rest knowing it is a local motor []
  20. The site looks crisp. Clear and concise. Only one seriously minor criticism is on the contact page the phone and fax numbers are after the Copyright logo which as soon as I see makes my mind switch off and not pay any attention to the information after it, thinking it is probably rubbish legal cr*p that Im not interested in. Its only because I'm spending time absorbing all of the info and reading the page a few times that I noticed the fax/phone numbers. I'd put the phone and fax numbers in the front of the line and then put the copyright logo and company name on a 2nd line below. As I said a SERIOUSLY minor criticism, more like nit picking than criticism and meant in the nicest possible way [:$][] It really is a first class job [Y][H]
  21. Happy Birthday Gena [^] Hope you have had a good day [D][D] De-cat the exhaust. Best £ to BHP mod you can do. You'll love it [][H]
  22. Won't that affect the flames Ian?
  23. The guy was very specific meaning that they are offering you a better price because it has guages etc fitted as opposed to a standard car. That doesn't mean you can't strip it all out!! Don't leave it in. It will be a crime. When ours was smashed up by the dirty low life, hope they are dead, wan***s who nicked ours and the wife went to look at it she went around the car taking off anything that was still in working order (Although admittedly that wasn't much []), no-one batted an eyelid. Either at the breakers or the insurance company. At the very least let Mark strip it out. At least then you'll have a clear conscience []
  24. A white classic with black stickers, going along Hawley Road and then 5 minutes later going back the other way on Green Street Green Road. No wave but both times was seriously eyeing the car up. If anyone knows this motor can they let me know as I'm very suspicious (No offence intended but after having one nicked you can't be too careful []) of it in case he is up to no good!
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