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Everything posted by simon_levey

  1. I always fill up with Opti from the Shell near Ford. Never run on anything else
  2. Got a bit bored at lunch today. One of the guys that I work with wanted to see (hear) the new dump valve in action. Went for a quick round trip and then he took me for a spin in his TVR Cerbera 4.2. I have to say, what a car!! Most impressed. Wouldn't be able to drive it (too tall) but enjoyed being a passenger. Anyone else been out in one?
  3. Looking very shiney... How long did that take? I plan to do mine a couple of dayd before rallyday. Any more pics?
  4. That looks really nice. Well done
  5. As in the title really. Just had the 1st year service and was a little annoyed that Fox's didn't do the body service as well. Anyway, is it worth doing? If so, how much does it cost? Cheers Si
  6. When should the tickets arrive? Ordered them ages ago with the paddock pass. Si
  7. 1. Scuzz 2. Granby 3. Markie 4. Shrek 5. Loonybin 6. Nudge (meeting us there) 7. Loony Toon 8. Pele 9. Audio-Fusion So are we going to meet locally? If so, where?
  8. All, Having had a look through a post yesterday about engine cleaner, it seem that a combo of GUNK and CD-2 Engine Detailer is the way to go. I have found a place in the UK were I can get GUNK from and have found a guy in the UK who can apparently ship CD-2 to the UK. Shipping is a little pricy though. I have asked how much he can supply. If anyone is interested in getting some, let me know and I will see what sort of price it works out. It will be a more than from Halfords, however as we can't get it here anymore, it will be worth it. Cheers Si
  9. Cool Essentially a DV with volume control It goes from fully re-circ to full dump with the twist of a knob. http://www.gofastbits.com.au/videos/Deceptor_Pro.wmv I am really pleased with it. Sounds great on full dump. Especially when some little t**t in a BMW is trying to race you.
  10. Well, the dump valve is on. In the end I went for a GFB Deceptor Pro (Brand new to the UK). It was anything but cheap but I am really pleased with it. Just waiting on the small trim panel to be fabricated for the dump controller so that it looks pretty and it will be sorted. Have also fitted a green filter. Just waiting on the Prodrive grills and front lip to arrive and it is off to the local painter. Here it is: I think that I may need to clear the engine up a bit. Any ideas what to use? I would also like to thank Tim @ ScoobyParts for brilliant service yet again.
  11. I'm going..... Just sent the info of to get the tickets
  12. Just make sure you don't touch the inside of the light cluster and leave finger prints. Picys of the finished job?
  13. Can you take a picy? Take as many of the bulbs out whilst the cluster is on the car. I seem to remember that there were a couple of loom connectors. All I did was push the tab down and then put a small screw driver between the two parts. Once in, twist it and it will push the two bits apart. Let me know..... Si
  14. Don't forget the god of tuning companies..... Ripspeed
  15. I remember a few years ago when I got my second car (Mk2 1.4S Fiesta). I thought it was the quickest thing going. Obviously I knew that it wasn't but it felt so quick, nothing could ever beat me. I guess that it is the same thing. Now if corsa drivers etc try it, I sit at 30 until I have a bit of clear road and then floor it. They don't catch up.
  16. I totally agree with you, it was terrible behaviour and i'm never ever ever ever ever ever gonna do one again [:|] LOL Honest ....Officer
  17. Si, you'll have to stay at home then for the next one[] I'll get me coat... [:'(]
  18. Good vid. A good follow-up to the one the other month. I do have to say though, it doesn't exactly seem fair to other road users and would certainly not put us scooby drivers in a good light with the police.
  19. Just booked it in. My mate lives fairly close to Badgers Mount so he is going to pick me up from there. Just mentioned to the receptionist about the discount and she hadn't heard of it. Who should I speak to about it? Any idea how much we get? Cheers
  20. Good plan. The only issue being that they are about 45 mins drive from work. Do you know if they have a coutesy car service? Cheers
  21. All, Just remembered that my car will need it's 1st years service at the end of the month. I will book it in to Waldonway tommorrow. Just wondered if anyone had an idea what sort of price I am looking at. Cheers Si
  22. I would have but I have the mrs and her dad in the car. Not sure they would have been too impressed. Does look good though
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