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Everything posted by AndyC_722

  1. << There`s nothing wrong in enjoying the dawn chorus Gordon. >> Lol You've seen me first thing in the morning, it's not a pretty sight! Where are you guys doing breakfast?
  2. 1. Charlie & Antoinette 2. Rob, Pauline & not so little Matthew 3. Brian & Christine 4. Gordon & Pat 5. Simon & Lucy 6. Debbie & Paul 7. Andy & Eleanor
  3. We'll be there as always Can't wait to let the new scooby off the leash properly!
  4. Richard Trust me, there are plenty of SIDC members who don't think you've done a bad job at all. In fact you managed a pretty amazing series of events this year, just ask anyone who came on the Manx Scoobyfest not so long ago. Is your memory really that short? Plus, if being without a scooby is a crime then just lock me up right now. It's absolute agony as I'm sure you know - what happened to the one you had for the Scoobyfest BTW? - but you're getting another one aren't you? As if actually owning a scooby were a requirement to hang out with other scooby enthusiasts... If you're fed up with putting in the effort then I don't think anyone would criticise you for wanting a break, but saying you think you've let people down is b*llocks. You've done a brilliant job, so quit whining! Andy
  5. Hello mate - got your PC working then I see So which was bigger, your bar bill or your hangover?
  6. << Can't wait for Paul's 41st birthday bash >> Me too - hopefully I'll actually make it to this one (sorry Paul, looks like you picked a bad week to have a birthday! )
  7. Pah! And that from a fellow van driver Two weeks tomorrow... it's new scooby time
  8. Oh, go on then, if you twist my arm...
  9. There are now a few of my better shots here
  10. Eleanor and I just got back too - thankfully we were luckier with the traffic than last year Thanks again to all those involved in organising what turned out to be a very successful event, we both had a great time and just want to know the dates for the 2005 trip
  11. Nobody fancies joining us for the Cain's brewery tour then? Mmm... beer.... (heads for the barrel of home brew )
  12. Tickets also arrived this morning Looks like the Manx trip will be my Scooby's last outing - I found a buyer last night and he wants it almost as soon as we get back I get to drive a clapped out old van for four weeks until my new STI arrives
  13. If anyone's staying over in Liverpool on the Tuesday night and looking for something to do that evening, Andy & I have booked for a Cain's brewery tour at 6.30. £3.75 per head, including 2 pints and a buffet according to the website. See http://www.cains.co.uk/brewery/realbrewerytour.html Eleanor
  14. Not unless there's a low bridge somewhere between Southampton docks and Cheltenham
  15. Bob: I'll let you do just that if you buy me enough beer. I hear Scottish & Newcastle may have a spare brewery up for sale....
  16. Bob, Elaine & Sophie (12) ...........Oh! and Pip ( the JR). Debbie, Paul, 2 sons, Rob 17 & Danny 15 Gordon & Pat Andy & Eleanor Dan,kelly ,2 daughters ,megan 6 Bethany 2 Simon & Lucy Charlie & Antoinette Andy & Anne (Homework: study the behaviour of 'click-and-drag', 'CTRL-C' and 'CTRL-V' )
  17. Bob: it's in this month's edition, which arrived on my doorstep yesterday morning. (Quite gutted that I won't have it in time for this year's trip actually, but it'd be even worse to have the new car and still be doing the 1000 mile run-in!)
  18. A new JDM MY05 STI in black Have you read this month's Evo article? It's a monster... twin scroll turbo, DCCD-A, Spec C geometry, yaw sensor, helical front diff, new interior, climate control... Not that I'm excited or anything!!! It should go on the boat on Friday and I should pick it up with a '54' plate on Sept 1st.
  19. Bob, Elaine & Sophie (12) ...........Oh! and Pip ( the JR). Debbie, Paul, 2 sons, Rob 17 & Danny 15 Gordon & Pat Andy & Eleanor New scooby on the way Just in time for when we get back
  20. So, how many people have signed up now?
  21. 1. Mean & Green 2. Debbie, Paul, 2 sons Robert & Danny 3. Andy and Anne. 4. Charlie & Antoinette 5. Andy & Eleanor See you all there
  22. Richard, Booking form & cheque went in the post today. And, I got my scooby back with a shiny new short engine and turbo We're actually going to have to leave the island again on the Saturday to go to a wedding - so if you've got anything exceptionally cool planned then can we have it on another day please? Pretty please... Ta Andy
  23. Richard, Just spotted this thread - could you put myself and Eleanor down for a place? Nothing would stop me coming back for another visit, except perhaps a catastrophic engine failure... oh. (I'll have it rebuilt by then). Will be in touch later to sort details Andy.
  24. Hi all, Nice to see a few peeps interested - that's one reason I like the IoM, everyone's so friendly. First round is on me Jon: thanks for the offer, but I think I'm all sorted for transport. Richard's offered me a lift to the pub and my colleagues have offered lifts for my other trips. Details will be posted as soon as they're decided A.
  25. Cool, thanks guys. I won't have a car - it hardly seems worth it for a couple of days. A lift would be great (or I can get a cab - no bother). dooahhdoo: (if indeed that's your real name!) - we may have done, I was the guy with the camera doing shots for True Grip. I'll bring the pics from the bowling, I only just got the film back Andy.
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