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Everything posted by AndyC_722

  1. OK, finally finished sorting through them. Enjoy! http://www.cawte.nildram.co.uk/IOM_2007/
  2. Getting there... here's a little teaser []
  3. Paul I'll send you a CD, just as soon as I've edited my pics down enough to fit! I'm down from 2000 frames to around 600... getting there! Andy.
  4. Cool Could you point me at a link to the thread please? I can't find anywhere where you're asking for money... (and yes, you can, once I've been paid!)
  5. Is this still going ahead? Is there a thread on it that I've missed somewhere?
  6. We should be there... can you send us a booking form please Richard? Ta Andy
  7. Sure you can. Mount the widest lens you can find (I used 15mm) and put the camera in Tv mode. Set to between 1/50 and 1/100 sec and ISO 100. Manual focus somewhere around 1-2 metres and select continuous drive. Then, find a trustworthy driver and somewhere suitably scenic. Sitting in the passenger seat, open the window all the way and rest the camera on the wing mirror, so that it vibrates along with the car - this ensures that the car appears sharp while only the scenery gets blurred. Drive along - it needn't be that fast - and shoot plenty of frames. Play with the shutter speed to get the effect you like best.
  8. Right, washing machine is duly mended, so I've finally got round to uploading a bunch more photos: here
  9. I thought the other scooby (yours, right?) made it a much more interesting photo; I have dozens of pics with just my car on its own. The same goes for the shot of the Eddie Stobart scooby that Simon picked up on - I think having the media chap there too adds atmosphere. (Art is such a subjective thing, I guess...) My camera is a Canon EOS-1D: 4 megapixels and 8 frames/sec
  10. No more to come tonight I'm afraid... late night at work, then I came home, poured a beer and wondered why the kitchen floor is covered in soapy water. Turns out that the washing machine (which was making a lot of noise last night) has decided that 5 years is a perfectly reasonable lifespan for a built-in appliance and has decided to grenade itself in a shower of bearing shells. Sound familiar, anyone?
  11. OK, the first batch is up now SIDC Manx Photos 2005 There's plenty more where those came from, I did a count when I got back: 1,024 frames More to follow as and when I finish wading through them all
  12. Nice shots Paul (Pat: I definitely owe you a drink next time, don't let me forget!)
  13. ... are still downloading, so you'll all have to wait I'm afraid. My PC reckons another 89 minutes to go, so it'll be at least tomorrow evening now Sorry
  14. What she said We've just stumbled back in, tired but in a good way. We had a great time, and thanks again to Richard, Margy and the rest of the Manx SIDC for your hospitality. Roll on next year
  15. We're all on the Sea Cat right now, it's just leaving Liverpool dock a bit late. See you all around 2pm
  16. We'll be staying in Liverpool Tuesday night. Someone mentioned meeting for breakfast at the Liver Building on Wednesday morning. What's the plan? (Eleanor) PS We plan to go out for dinner at Sapporo Teppanyaki (Japanese I discovered on a conference a couple of months ago). Anyone fancy joining us? www.sapporo.co.uk
  17. << Just finished polishing car, and put cleaning kit in boot ready for washing car sunday morning. >> Oh heck, does that mean I have to do mine too? It got covered in muck at JAE over the weekend Guess I'd better chuck the kit in the boot and pray for rain tomorrow
  18. << scooby's love showers from time to time. >> Mine doesn't I learned this afternoon that my well worn RE070s don't work too well in the wet. Take care out there guys...
  19. Our tickets arrived this morning too; our postman doesn't seem to understand the concept of 'signed for', so they were on the mat along with all the bills. It's just as well, though, since we'll be at JAE all weekend - anyone else going?
  20. Welcome to the forum and see you next week I'm the guy with the hair and the camera, quite hard to miss
  21. I'll be at JAE all weekend, so if you can arrange for someone to bring an extra banner along (Phil, perhaps?) I can collect it and bring it up.
  22. I'll be taking pictures instead again - I got some great shots last year and I still have plenty of garage wall space
  23. Resurfaced? Why? That road was the smoothest surface I know anywhere! Can they (please!!) do the M3 between junctions 2 and 6 next? My car tramlines awfully on that stretch, you can see the asphalt is visibly W-shaped from all the trucks
  24. OK, might see you there then We're only staying in a nearby Travelodge the night before.
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