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Everything posted by shescooby

  1. lol When we have some spare cash [] Kaz
  2. oi Craig You need to sort your membership out as well [] The meet this sunday is the Bucks meet the other one Big D is on about is the OX Meet Cheers Kaz
  3. Guess what I got for Christmas [] lol I am seriously going bling next year as well ooh the Dixie air horns will sound good as well lol Kaz
  4. [][]oooh Karl will you be in full Uniform ? [][] lol will gather the girls around if so lol Kaz
  5. Hi Mark Firstly welcome to SIDC forums, you will find that we are a good bunch [] Secondly as HDJ stated in above post the Oxfordshire meets we do hope to see you there, We have a Oxford RO Iain, (BIG D) who will probably introduce himself soon, however he may be away at the moment. Also with regards to Membership again I'm sure Iain will be in touch or catch ya at the Meet [] Its £35.00 for a year and its well worth it. see link it will tell you all about the benefits of SIDC Membership. Any questions just ask away Again welcome and enjoy your stay Kaz SIDC MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY
  6. Cheers HDJ Yeah been a rough one this year, only good thing thats come out of this year is Sammy [] I will be glad when the 2006 has gone, lets hope 2007 is a good one for all [] Iain Cheers mate, Let hope the 2nd op has worked might find out on the 18th Dec | fingers crossed Kaz
  7. Hi Karl Sorry havent been in touch its been a bit mad Have had 2 ops now [] due to the First one going horribly wrong, Had the 2nd one on Tuesday and well I wont be going out for a while as I look like I have had 10 rounds with Mike Tyson and well feel a little pants at the mo as all the painkillers and drugs I am on [] Recovering slowly tho, fingers crossed that this has worked and I will be able to see again i=out of my right eye Hope your well, if ya around Langford pop in for a cuppa we are here most of the time Kaz
  8. Hmmmm drove pass the Crooked Billet on the A41 (coming back from the Cinema (SAW 111) not sure about food, been told its a carvery and they have ample of Parking........ just a suggestion [] Kaz
  9. Dont mind which one I go to obviously apart from the one where its a HOTSPOT for Crime.... However as Wimpy and Karl mentioned The Accorn does tend to get very busy as its the only decent pub in Bicester........ lol I suggest if we do go to Accorn we get there early.....so we can have a chance to park!! Kaz
  10. Iain As said in my previous post for the Karting Dave is working....... however I will do my best to come down, Dave will try and sort shifts out but cant promise anything Good Pub btw and its a hungry horse :-) Kaz
  11. Hi Iain Have to put me orders in next year!!! Jan [] as Christmas coming up hun Kaz
  12. Sorry Iain but this was way to close to christmas for us....... and Dave was working [] However if you start organising now for next year you might have a better response, like taking deposits in Jan for March say for instance just a thought. [:|] Kaz
  13. Sorry guys couldnt make it today had a family problem to sort out so was down in Bucks all day Hope to make the next one Kaz
  14. Hi Ya Iain Hmmm this is a tough one as its so close to christmas, we really would like to do this as Dave has already done it and said its a real blast, however we wont be able to do it before christmas...... Might be better leaving it till after Xmas but hey up to you mate [] Kaz
  15. He he [] Glad ya got your pack and yeah it did take a lottle longer than 3 mins [] Kaz
  16. What a Bunch of W....... Theres no respect in this world anymore [:@] However Vimmy dont worry the other half sympathise with you as regards to driving your Mrs car as Dave hates driving mine Silve with PINK stickers !!!!!! Hope you get it all sorted soon mate Kaz
  17. Lee its good to see you on line, I bet Sarah will be nagging to get off the PC lol Kaz
  18. Lee I have now DELETED MY POST !!!!! Iain Before I can commit to this meet need to know whats happening to be honest... and not really into surprizes can you list the ideas please so people can prepare!!! Many Thanks Kaz
  19. 1. Shescooby 2. Iain (Wimpy) 3. Tryeman 4. SiSubaru 5.Tinowrx 6. Ron 7.giboman? 8 Big D hopefully if back!!
  20. pmsl Karl your renewal will now take a futher 4 weeks to get to you lol [] Its done just need to send the bits to ya hun Kaz
  21. Hi Ya Welcome we have a Oxford meet coming up shortly Hope to see you there Kaz
  22. Yeah probably need to do this as nothing been arranged and will be a little short notice Iain (Wimpy) give ya a shout tomorrow with regards to organising meet for Oxfordshire Cant do 26th tho chaps as Sammy being christened "remember" Kaz
  23. Iain trust you to come up with something like that huh I can just imagine your pose!!!!! pointed out lips, ar$e stuck out and tuning your nips pmsl Kaz
  24. ooh Bristol Ice Rink is a laugh!!! Ice Karting alot more fun [] Kaz
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