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About andrew_field

  1. Hey Jon, Glad to see you made it to the rock ok. Told you how friendly this lot were, shame I can't make it to the TT this year. Are you back across for the NBO? Dave are you across for the Scooby Shootout? Andy
  2. Happy New Year everyone. Hopefully will be on the rock a couple of times this year so might get to meet up. []
  3. And not one pic of me. [:'(] Nice pics Dave.
  4. It might also be worth looking at some ported and wrapped headers.
  5. I think there needs to be a caption competition to go with that pic.
  6. Some nice pics there Dave. Good driving aswell Andrew. what was your best time? Off to Ten of the Best this weekend. See if Andy Forrest can beat his new time of 9.3s and there is some nutter going for the 0-300kph record in a Skyline. He needs to beat 13s, fast.
  7. Hi guys, had a really nice time during TT, managed to see a few off here. Also got a new zorst fitted by Dodge Dave's garage. Just found these pics of one of the North East boys cars, thought it had a good boot mod for DaveK. Boot Mod
  8. Arriving on Wed 31st and leaving on Sun 4th, and I will have the car over. Hope to see some people while I am over. []
  9. Hi, everyone, hows things going on the Island? I will be over on the 30th May to see some of the TT practice and Superbike race. Found this today while looking through some news, http://www.iomonline.co.im/ViewArticle2.as...ticleID=1517395, will you be seeing more of these soon? []
  10. Happy Birthday Dave, will see you at the weekend for Scooby Shootout. [<)]
  11. Met Richard and Dave last night at one of the hand overs for the Richard Burns Memorial Relay in Cumbria, I have posted the pics here http://s16.photobucket.com/albums/b8/quiet_andy/RBMR/
  12. Afternoon, hope everything is fine over there. I will be over in a few weeks for TT. Went to my first Scooby meet since moving back, here are some pics http://s16.photobucket.com/albums/b8/quiet_andy/TTS%20May/ Enjoy []
  13. Managed 260 miles already, and only had the car since 3pm yesterday. []
  14. Well how happy am I. Went to API yesterday and pic the scooby up. 3 months since I have driven her, just a shame I have to run rev limited for 1500 miles until the engine is broken in. [] Hope everything is well with everyone.
  15. Good luck Andi, sure I will bump into you over here at some meets. I should be at this one, Scoobynet Live , if the car is fixed. []
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