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Everything posted by j-k

  1. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....must buy a new pair of walking boots...take plenty of water...and plenty of energy drinks to keep my strength up.. Mark, Is Lin giving directions again??? More great comments like "Ooooohh ,,,, Look how far we have walked...we were all the way over there" she said , pointing at a very small looking transmitter tower in the distance...lol (must have been the best part of 3miles away...if not further) Anyway...It was a good day out last year...along with some very good company. Might see you there, jon
  2. Nice website Deano....no e mail contact tho?? jon
  3. Arron is mentioned in the write up..... Makes a change for the Co Driver to get some recognition.... jon
  4. You may well be right Pele, but i'm sure that i have read that they are Subaru Service agents only.... jon
  5. Barratts Motorsport are no longer trading, but the main dealership still does the servicing under frachise... jon
  6. check on SNET...there are a couple for sale on there...
  7. Chalmers in gravesend is a top place...Always got what you need in an emergency, and good prices too... jon
  8. Who are you??? Where have you been?? Did we know you??
  9. j-k

    Home Security

    Nearly right..... I do not work in the domestic market, but can offer plenty of info on a set up for the home though.. jon
  10. Or you could always get a few of you along to one of mine and Arron's tarmac rally's.. The car has been prepared by Arron and myself , along with the help of a good few of the other Kent scoobies members?? Take a few piccy's, do a piece about the car and what we have done to it.. I have lots of photos from the original road going car upto its current state. I'm sure that such an article would make good reading in True Grip as well as raising awareness of KS.. Hopefully the car will be ready for an event around February time???? jon
  11. I would get it mapped properly....before you do any damage... Who set up the original map?? Jon
  12. Q...is it boosting okay??? What did PE say when it came off the rollers?? Probably something very simple..as it normally is!! jon
  13. Q.. The ecu in your car will have 4 plugs, and i'm pretty sure the type R ecu will only have 3 plugs....so no is the answer.. ScoobyECU, Apexi, or Gems etc etc are the only options really. Apexi is probably the best all reound value for money. jon
  14. Well i bought my STI from Tony at walldonway, had it serviced there as well.. .No problems to report here... Oh apart from the crap price they offered me when i wanted to sell it..but thats car dealers pricings for you... jon
  15. Is anybody venturing to the NEC in Birmingham at the weekend to the Autosport show???? Might have some piccy's to post up tomorrow night.... jon
  16. That looks like fun....£550 for two days....including accomodation?? How much are the flights?? jon
  17. well...when i went, filming started just after 2pm and went on until 6.30ish. Yes there were a few times when we watched pre recorded stuff, but the rest of the time was the recording of the actual show... Had a fantastic time, and laughed most of the way through the recording bits...and you get to see all of the outakes for real...and there were quite a few.. jon
  18. Nearly , but not quite.... Went back to work today for a rest.....[]
  19. [Y] well....i reckon its great.... i think????[H]
  20. All sorted thanks Dean.... I've got a special Xmas card for you.... thanks once again jon
  21. Thought you was off sick today dean??? Popped in to see you earlier.... I will try and catch up with you in the week.. jon
  22. you can mount the cams inside also.... i was just showing you that site as an example of both recorders and cameras. If you want good quality cameras, make sure you go for something at least 480tvl. and a recording device that will record resolutions of 640x480 svga(or as near to dvd quality as possible) jon
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