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Everything posted by lessels

  1. are any of you sidc members goin to the next hot marques at knockhill on 2nd may? and is ur mate takin his cossie round bud?i agree with the other replies about hot hatch.....no way bangers onlyand it gets a bit crowded,more camera action though!
  2. not many people drive as scary as u mate!(passenger experience from last hot marques!)think il wait till 2nd may.i should get plenty footage of the back of ur motor bud as u lap me bud!
  3. i put a set of eibach springs on mine(well falkland did it for me) about a month ago and they are superb for the money mate,couldnt tackle that kind o thing myself though mine also a my99 and u really notice the difference
  4. wishbones and anti roll bars ok if thats what u mean,and falkland done my mot and service and replaced my rear anti roll drop links (think thats what they said)cheers bud!
  5. will do that mate,cheers! can u tell me whats involved in that cause i got the tracking done already from the nasty kwik fit place and the only difference is the steering wheel is now off centre?
  6. im in leven mate,checked the fluid and its ok.gonna take it to a dealer to get steering and geometery checked cheers!
  7. hi guys,i think i have a problem with my steering.when my car is on full lock my steering wheel wants to move left and right a little its self and i dont think it handles like it should (my 99 2000 turbo) i had the tracking done but its no better the steering feels light and figity when on twisty stuff, any ideas or help would be really great! cheers
  8. me and the wife are thinking of going to santa pod on 3rd,wots it like? wot sort of stuff can we expect? only scooby thing we've been at was knockhill on satarday
  9. green 99 2000 turbo full decat 4" back box ekutec ecu(or sumfink?) 17"wheels,seen many p1's up there, awsome mate!
  10. hi everybody,just got my sidc membership and im new to all this computer stuff.I bought my first scooby last year and wont go past one again.I was up at knockhill on saturday and totaly loved it,when is the next thing like that in scotland?
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