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Everything posted by andrew_wrona

  1. Just want to be different, each to their own i say.
  2. First wash in a year.... honest
  3. A good view from Cumbernauld towards Glasgow. []
  4. I fitted these to my newage car and yes it certainly does make a difference than the standard bulbs fitted. Dont know about fitting them to a classic but was a bugger trying to fit them in my car, u need small hands. [] But defo worth the money.
  5. Now have my front and rear drop links put in. wow what a mod, handling is so much better, well worth the money. Also Duncan had to put a dig in about a wee red Civic Type R that Gumball should know about []
  6. Yeah, Duncan at Hypertech fitted rear ones to my car yesterday, didn't get the front one's in yet [] But damn, what a mod. Really worth getting done. He also fitted autogauges for me as well will post pics up soon.
  7. I had a wee gander about Ian Grieve Subaru this afternoon after work, you guys must get paid alot if you can sit on your arses and talk in a office without coming to talk to your customers. Superb service department though, very friendly and even gave me my SIDC Discount on a few nuts and bolts.
  8. Its just how your luck goes, i bought my WRX last March and then in April subaru were doing free PPP.
  9. I was wanting to PPP my car but can i keep my ninja exhaust on it still or do i have to get the prodrive one fitted?
  10. Defo sounds like a good mod then. [H]
  11. Ive just been to Hypertech in Bonnybridge to enquire about getting my gauges fitted to my car, i also noticed that they were doing freee fitting on drop links so i thought id have them as well. [] The question is do droplinks make a difference to the car?
  12. Anyone know of a website that does a 3 Gauge Pod Mount (Centre Mount) for 52mm gauges for a MY05 car?
  13. I touch goats
  14. Depends On if you want to keep your warranty or not? Didn't notice you have PPP on your car. I missed out by 1 month to early
  15. Hi there Just wait till the modding starts.
  16. I read on Scoobynet that a guy on a different car forum has the exige card, but only needs the VX220, so the cards are out there? Dont know if this is alot of bull though.
  17. Does changing the backbox effect your warranty on the car? Was thinking of the Scoobyworld Ninja Rear Silencer... is this any good? Cheers.
  18. Sounds like fun. All the mods i have to my car was changing the front badge from black to blue and the sh*** wiper blades that came with it. Is the Pirnhall Inn the place between the stirling services roundabout and Forth Electrical Services?
  19. 1. HI SOOB 2. Chris Gumball 3. Swiggi & Mrs 4. Matt 5. SMA01 6. TheSquirrel555 + micra_wrc 7. Keap scooby 8. Paul C 555 9. WRC No 1 & Scoobymadburd 10. THE GAY VIOLINIST 11. Fai17 12. Marc29 14. Alfa20ad (Didn't want to be 13) What goes on at these meetings anyway?
  20. Alright people just saying Hello. Andy from Cumbernauld here.... (Yeah, whats it Called) Drive a New WRX MY05 bought last month. Might Pop in here a few times for some tips or mods. Cheers.
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