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Everything posted by jcscoob

  1. Im sure AWD will give the biggest dontion of all, eh grant !! []
  2. MEGA SNOW YIPEEEEE !!!! [] this is out side my house this morning and up the street lol Any body got any more piks ? i will post up more later as it is still tipping it down ! []
  3. Rember guys its the first F1 gp today at 10:30 , enjoy []
  4. Clear, this is east coast at 00:33hrs and nothing to report, in fact we have melt down !!
  5. Unless you were piking you wouldnt have i was in the house ! []
  6. Spoted a few to day to a WR1 at the circle beside east port round about and a white sti classic somewhere cant rember where and scoobykev ! []
  7. Look at the size of the rangerover next to it, briliant []
  8. Confirimed we have snow , Mr ball note east coast snow but Mr fish has just called and says snow for everyone, yyyiiiiiipppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!! [][]
  9. Wot an honest guy [] good set of Q&A's tho, pmsl []
  10. Welcome to the club mate !! []
  11. AWD do nothing but good for the club and its merry band of members, i and im sure most of the regular users on here would agree, keep up the good work AWD !! I will be there so see you'll there and if everybody chips in we might have enough money to buy Fee her much needed DECAT !!! []
  12. I know where your coming from to [:-*] so long for now mate ! []
  13. Hope it pi$$e$ down and you get bit from a kangaroo [] na mate have ball and enjoy the sun [Y]!!! Ps, good luck [][]
  14. yeah mate clicked on that it just came up page can not be found !
  15. Tunnels go trough them with all 4 windows down, deffning [] http://www.easy-sharing.com/293559/Movie.wmv.html Link dosnt seem to work though !! [8-)]
  16. My mate in his skyline R34GTR done it to, i heard that some other company were trying to buy the game and bring it out under there name, not sure wot company it was tho !! Fingers crossed they do and you get you name in the credits .
  17. Great piks peter lovin the coments for each pik [][]
  18. nothing here ........ must hav been a bullshat report !!!!
  19. Right thats just no fair if you wake up tomorow and there is no snow dont blame me it said on the TV that chanel 3but we all know wot pish they talk, eh gumball ! grant your moistnes is freaking me out,lol [:|]
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