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Everything posted by andy_bray

  1. Iam sure that he will be still part of the club Jim dude.
  2. This is what Richard says...... Hi Guys and Gals, Well, Its been a difficult 10 months, i have been without a scooby for so long now i have forgotten what it's like. The good news is that i have sorted out in full the differences reference the car that i had on order. The bad news is what have i done now They say you should never trust your first feelings when on the re-bound!. Well i am afraid to say that i have, unfortunately i found myself in the Baynall area today and standing on on forecourt was a rather nice Evo VIII FQ300 After an hour there, the rest as they say is history See you all soon, Ta Ta Richard
  4. Good morning dudes . Iam off to get the STI its new manx tax and reg...
  5. Well it was a nice morning when I posted it , I was a sleep at 7.00 o clock Dudes....
  6. Good morning dudes , Sweet morning .....
  7. Nick it is rain hard here dude , your scoob will be beading well now ...Sweeeeeeeeeeet...
  8. WOW Jim dude..
  9. Nice one Jim dude , How much was that bit of kit ??? And how many more horses does it give you..
  10. Good morning dudes...
  11. No probs Nick , It was a shame that Dave did not roll his sleaves and give us a hand (tart) LOL See you later....
  12. Here is some pics of mine and Nick hard work today..... STI BLING
  13. Nick dude , how many laps of the prom did you do with your very clean STI bud...
  15. DUDES morning all , May see you later on Nick to make your scooby shine.... Sweeeeeeeeet
  16. I was outside polishing the Legacy and I herd a big berble coming up the road ,so I went to the end of the road and seen Jim dude going past .. Was I seeing right Jim , do you have a lot more chorme on it ????
  17. << At last back to normality, have been living at the hotel since tuesday due to hard drive failure in the main server. Been working 5pm to 8-9am!, screws your body up big time. Anyway to catch up, Andi if you need a hand with your gauges give me a a call on 498476 or PM me. Just waiting on my new rad as well now! patched it up for a while but it aint going to last. The guy off ebay must think somit's wrong with IOM, first Jim then Andi now me, who's next?! >> It is nice to hear from you again Dave dude it sounds like you have been very bizzy M8... If you can I would like you to give me a hand with the gauges , that is kind of you M8... And the guy from e-bay is very good Dave , his name is william and a nice guy to deal with, And he sent the rad by next day post VERY QUICK... I seems a shame to put a new rad in my old Legacy...
  18. Morning dudes , No Jim the missus said to me to get the STI taxed on friday but I could not be A$$ED I can stay in its garage for anther week, plus I have to sort the number plate out...
  19. I was going to get the STI out tomorrow but I cannot because it has run out of tax So the next time it is out it will be on Manx reg , And I have a good number lined-up if I can buy it off my wifes friend....
  20. Test run of the Legacy went very well with no leeks....Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
  21. The new rad is fittied to the Legacy sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet...
  22. Morning all dudes , just waiting for my rad for the Legacy....
  23. Evening all dudes....Looks like it is going to be a nice day tomorrow..............
  24. Morning all dudes
  25. Hay Nick dude I bet you got some top shelf mags as well ,,,, LOL
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