<< At last back to normality, have been living at the hotel since tuesday due to hard drive failure in the main server.
Been working 5pm to 8-9am!, screws your body up big time.
Anyway to catch up, Andi if you need a hand with your gauges give me a a call on 498476 or PM me.
Just waiting on my new rad as well now! patched it up for a while but it aint going to last.
The guy off ebay must think somit's wrong with IOM, first Jim then Andi now me, who's next?! >>
It is nice to hear from you again Dave dude it sounds like you have been very bizzy M8...
If you can I would like you to give me a hand with the gauges , that is kind of you M8...
And the guy from e-bay is very good Dave , his name is william and a nice guy to deal with, And he sent the rad by next day post VERY QUICK... I seems a shame to put a new rad in my old Legacy...