<< No worries fella's enjoy doing it anyway.
Cant say no when fed bacon butties.
Sweet, Jim you'll be runnin smooth with plenty of fluttering, popping, banging, farting and any other noise soon. >>
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet dudes that is the Subaru Spirit...
The missus says she likes looking after us men with food and drink....
Sorry about today Jim I forgot to take my moble out with me If at anytime you want a hand Jim dude just pop around ...
I went out for a run in the STI to go and meet Alistair McRea..(Not to look at the evos) and Louis got his scooby jacket sighed by the man...
Yer Nick, Dave dude done well I was just looking on thanx for coming down with Ste the boys had good fun... And we had a laugh or too...Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
The wife seen you but I did not Sorry bud....
<< Glad to hear she seems to be on the bend Richard, that's a horrible & scary thing to happen. Hope all is well soon.
Andi - Dave - all bow before the might of the stud remover. I'm sure it was laughing as it twisted the turbo studs out with ease just now. They are all out now, and the manky nuts on the up-pipe didn't really present a problem although I had to get medieval on one of them with a cold chisel & a lump hammer.
Didn't even have to fire up the blowtorch!
It's going on tomorrow. >>
Nice one Jim dude , If you want a hand giive us a buzz M8...
DUDES , All sorted , There is a mini scooby meet at my house to fit the gauges ...There is Myself , Dave , Nick , & Jim down thats Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet , All we need is custom Jon & Neil...
<< Why dont you bring your stuff along Jim dude, as you can put the senders in and route the cables through the bulkhead ready.
All scoobs welcome, no Evo's though. Pmsl only joking Richard. >>
LOL Dave dude... And a very good plan two birds and all that...
Good morning all , Yes Jim dude you are most welcome to come around , we are fitting them at my house M8 ...I do not know what time but I will let you know Jim.....
<< You cant miss it, bright orange flip paint classic 4 door with v5 wing.
It soon snowballs dont it Jim, I'll do this but i'll need that to go with and that and that...........pmsl
Fitted my new rad last night after modding it, bolts did'nt go right through so had to snip bits out!!!
And it's heavier than the old one, Sti's or Type R's must have alloy cores. might gets some alloy end tanks fabed up. >>
I have not seen it yet!!!! Your rad in the type R looks a lot bigger than my one in the Legacy...
Hopefully we will be able to fit my gauges at the weekend ... Sweeeeeeeeeeeet