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Everything posted by AllenJ

  1. SWEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanx
  2. As per title.
  3. WHAT? A chat thread and everyone is having a speech strike? Coming SWS, you can do better than that.
  4. Nicwe one Steve. You kept that quite, I'm sure essex scooby crew will be awaiting your presence to lead the convoy into the seafront. Nice one man.
  5. hohooho hahahhahahahha. Do i know that man?
  6. Sorry guys, as much as i'd love to come along, can't do anything before october 2006 as i'm studying full time for a year. Have fun though.
  7. Has anyone lost a wheel? I know that guy.
  8. Due to Ian shutting the door on me, , the bidding price has gone up to £100. Pinkie Mark. LOL
  9. Up to £22.09 Common ladies and gents, you know you want to see Mark in Pink. Dean and Ian are up next.
  10. << £15.01 >> Cool Ian, to make it more appealing, Mark wore a complete pink outfit, top and bottom.
  11. Bids up to £15..... still a long way to fuel costs. Hmmmm sexy Mark in PINK, common you know you want some. PMSL
  12. .... only for the highest BIDDER.
  13. This thread is still alive!!!!!!! PMSL, did Julian pay the £10 charges then?
  14. << pink.pink.pink.pinkpink.pink >> I 4th the motion. PINK Go on !!!!!!!!! I live on QE bridge, does that count?
  15. << You cant hide that colour behind your arms. Yes k/scoobies photography agent always get an exclusive >> Mark, that'll be you in the ESC pink tshirts in germany, after a few beers. I promise not to tell. Nice one Granby. LOL
  16. << afternoon peepz, just to let urz no im outta hosy, bit better and ill be kool! thankz for the kind thoughts and messages also, thankz for a brill week, it was fun- see sum soon and sum in a year! luv tracey xxxx (x - for danny) >> Glad to hear that Tracey and happy birthday for tomorrow. Elise says thanx for giving her so much fun. Ronnie says thanx for making her run around the shooting ranch.
  17. ###### Echoing Debbie ############################### Thanx to Richard, Margy and the manx hospitality team. Our trip over was great, we enjoyed it and we'll be looking forward to coming over again next year. The roads are awesome, worrying not about the fuel consumption on the mountain roads, the grin was SPLENDID. Big shout to Dave K, Nick and family for meeting us @ the sea terminal, Richard, Margy, Tracy, Julian, Andi555, John, Nicky, Greya and all the Manx crew for the big welcome. Boxer and Jimmy, nice game yesterday. It was great meeting the new faces and seeing the old ones again. Definately a trip i'd recommend, if only for the mountain run in the scooby. Best wishes to Tracy and i hope she gets better soon Ronnie, Ade' & Elise.
  18. Doh... posted on the wrong thread. Never mind.
  19. Time to have your shower peeps and start to head up. Have a safe journey.
  21. What frequency are you guys using on the radio? 1? See you sat, 4 more days at work.
  22. Dave, i hope your car will be ready for the weekend, Nick as told me all about it and i'm looking forward to seeing it and catching up with the DUDES. Richard, is Margy alright? I think she is warming up for some Ade-loving.
  23. << nearly at 10000 posts Isle of Man dudes >> WHORE springs to mind.
  24. Make sure all the mother hen put all the chicks away. I heard he is coming to the Manx rally
  25. Help!!!!!!!!!! Who let Steveeee in on the ROCK?
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