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Posts posted by Boyakasha

  1. I'll just add my 2p worth, sorry to be negative.

    I spent close on £50k 4 years ago on 2 brand new scoobs. On the day we picked them up it looked as though they had been washed with grit, my other half's car had a scratch on the bonnet, oil marks on the roof liner and a number of other minor problems. We had to give the car straight back and didn't get it back for a week[:@]

    After that escapade I vowed never to use T&C again, although I now use T&C but not Subaru [;)

    It's a shame that you have good guys like Kev working in the back ground, but it is let down by other areas. I think T&C have a lot to do to win back customers in ABZ who are quite willing to drive down to Fiskens etc to get work done or buy a car. Dealers in Aberdeen need to realise that there are other places you can go and that they are not the centre of the Universe. Andersons (was that what it was called) then T&C Subaru used to be the biggest Subaru dealership in the UK, now I would doubt they are in the top 10. Customers talk with their feet (excuse the pun) and it is obvious up here.

    There are some things that money can't even help and to me the most important thing that T&C have been lacking for years is customer service, if they can't deliver that then forget it, ever tried getting a car when you need a service!!!

    Good Luck Craig.


    I wouldn't go near the bouley, you never know what the people are like. Most folk that go there are interested in cars but you will get the odd person who is more interested in what's in your car if you get what I mean [:)]

    My other halfs brother used to go there years ago, one night he took her car down and in the morning the cars stereo was gone. So you never know who to trust.


    It's true what they say about folk complaining, it only started when they built the new flats/hotel, now it seems to be a big issue compared to when it was all council houses [8-)]


  3. Does this get sent to a PF and they decide, I guess it could depend on circumstances. If it is a 40 in a built up area then they will not look kindly at it however if it is one of these 40mph dual carriage ways in the middle of no where you may be lucky.

    Good Luck

  4. Realy nice car mark[y] ( for the wife [:P]) !! [:D]

    JC you kill me, how's the car running, you must be up to about 350bhp by now?

    I must admit I was on the same train of thought a few years ago but once you own one of these babies it is a whole different story. It is Joanne's car but I still love to drive it, it may not be the quickest 0-60 but that doesn't seem to matter when your in it. I would suggest to anyone that has a chip on their shoulder about Boxsters or Porsches in general to take one out and you will see what I mean. I can honestly say that we will aways have at least one Porsche in our garage from now on, the service and attention we have recieved was fantastic. No BS sales talk etc, let's face it the is no haggling to be done so it's a bitter pill to swallow but once past that everything was top rate.

    Only prolem I face now is I want to change my car but I must resist the temptation [:P]


  5. Cheers all.

    Cal been told the first 1k-1.5k miles below 4k Revs [|-)]

    Martin I wish it was an RS4, other halfs mum and dad are waiting for their RS4 Avant which will be here 1st September [6]

    Stephen, Ruff would be nice, just need to remortgage the house [:)]

    Gumball [:#] (When you getting yours?)


  6. The whole "neighbour" thing is a bit much as well, do Celtic fans support Rangers when Celtic ain't playing, no, vice-versa, no... course not, otherwise they wouldn't be "rivals" would they...


    Come on Chris (Gumball), I'd like to hear your view on this one mate [:D]


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