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Posts posted by Boyakasha

  1. well hes not going to own up now cos his secret is out lol

    totally agree with your actions i get kn*bs like that all the time when i drive up north they do their utmost to get past then immediately slow down again  

    Eddie have to say that I was more disappointed as it was a Scooby driver. In actual fact he was not the only idot we met that day on the way home. It just seemed that each time we went through a roundabout whoever was next to us wanted a race. I guess they see a Porsche and feel they have a point to prove, especially when it is driven by a lady.



    John, knew it wasn't you mate.

    Whoever it was obviously felt like his d1ck was too small after being overtaken by Joanne [;)]

    I must add that we were just cruising along and went through the roundabout before Blackburn, this moron then confirms the problem he has in the trouser department and procededs to cut out in front of her at which point I told her to back off as I didn't want the front of her car getting peppered with stone chips. Then Mr Small D1ck pulls in again and we go past, so what was the point?





  3. Ladies, yes I have one of these i.e the one STi bandit has a link of. 

    Cal, try Mark, I think Joanne had it before me!  Cheap at half the price


    Yeap I had one on Joanne's, good mod if you are keeping the original air box, Steve I haven't heard from you in ages mate, give me a call.

    Cal got them in the US, not sure where you can get them here though.


  4. Sweet Jesus what has been going on, I have know Russell for many years now and there have been times when certain people have tried to throw muck on his reputation and it was all BS at the end of the day. This guy is as commited as anyone I have ever know, he helped me so much when I was doing my car not only with the cost of parts but the sound advice on which routes I should follow.

    We have had our moments like the time we were rebuilding my car at 01:00 and words got heated, but we kissed and made up and I couldn't ask for a better friend. When Angela was due to have the baby and they had both just moved house Russell was still finding time to work on peoples cars, I may not have been there but guaranted he would have been working into the early hours.

    You get a lot of BS in the tuning game but Russell never attempts to give you pub figures or sell you something that the car doesn't need, I would say that if he didn't spend so much time on other peoples cars and put the effort into his own one then it could be one of the best in the country.

    Russell listen to what everyone is saying mate, you are a credit to the Abz Scooby Community and your reputation proceeds you. Folk that haven't even met you are asking you to stay so that to me says a lot. Since I sold my car I have missed the crack and part of me is a bit lost hence why I am looking to get back into the Scoob game, if you give it up then I couldn't see myself getting another one.

    Looking forward to seeing you when you get back.

    Don't give it up m8


  5. I'd be for the Spec C myself. With the Porsche upgrade. Full set of Defis would be required though, didn't see them on the options list.


    I'd be with you on that one Stephen, let's face it £12k over the price of a Spec-C is a lot. I realise that a lot of development has gone on but the jump from £33k to £40k is a bit steap in my books. The problem for me is not buying, it is when you sell it and the depreciation hits you  [:'(]

    When I read about it in EVO it was as though the car with all the toys cost £40k, you stick those on top and you are looking at £45k so in tru Dragons Den stylie "I'm Out"  [;)]


  6. Sorry Andy, the key word was meant to be "modern". Perhaps I should've made that clearer. You won't argue that chassis dynos have come on leaps and bounds.

    Been over this before, but the STI8 you are talking about made 400bhp at Dastek UK when Gerry has admittted there was a minor issue with the dyno, but I guess you knew that. Ask Chris, we made every effort possible here to make that car make more power....

    I don't have any real expectation from comparing dynos figures, just hope. I think it will be interesting to try. Happy to report back either way.

    Interesting point about the car sitting overnight and losing 15bhp. When we do the 1st run on a car, with engine up to temp, but not  transmission up to temp, there is always less power at wheels. You can probably see this from some of saturdays graphs. Obviously the 2nd run sees more at wheels, but pretty much the same at flywheel, because the Dastek dyno calculates the losses. Wouldn't be the same on a dyno dynamics machine, and may well explain what you've seen.

    I am sure you know all this really, but not everyone here does.

    Besides, you are almost not disagreeing with me on some points, I must be making some sense!

    Russs I'll have to agree with you mate, with the exact same mods on my car it made about 370bhp, so I was shocked when Chris told me he made just over 400bhp, however when the car was RR at WP then I realised there must have been a problem at Dastek on the day.

    As Andy has said before it is how the car performs on the road that really counts so sometime RR Figures don't tell the whole story.

    Anyway Russs I'll need to swing by and say hello as I haven't seen you in ages.



  7. Never had one but the general concensus is that the Hybrid FMIC was a lot better. Pace had some bad publicity a few years back but things may have improved or they may not have.

    Harvey on ScoobyNet is the man to speak to.


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