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Posts posted by oobster

  1. Although i agree something must be done (like we all emigrate), i don't really think the blockade is an answer. It didn't may any difference last time, and I don't think the government will sit back like they did before.

    Ok, we may see petrol going back down a few pence, but it's unlikely to make any difference in the long-run. They'll just go back up again.

    I feel for the hauliers etc who might go out of business because of this though.

  2. As above, car went into S&S today to have the prodrive springs fitted.

    Haven't had much chance to check them out yet, just the drive home from work & that is mostly motorway. Definitely feels stiffer though, but not uncomfortable. Ride height is only very slightly lower, but apprently these can take a few weeks to settle in so it might get a bit lower in time.

    Also bought a 2nd-hand Bailey DV12 VTA dump valve off eBay for a ridiclously small amount (£50) two weeks ago. It arrived today, so i fitted it when i got home from work (5 minute job). I have to say i'm fairly confident that this "mod" isnt going to stay on the car. Took it for a quick run and i'm not liking the noise one little bit!! (And before all the clued-up guys start telling me all about the downsided to a DV - i know. I've read all about the over-fuelling causing bore-wash which thins out the oil etc. If it stays on the car it will get an oil & filter change every 3,300 miles in between the 10K Subaru ones).

    No more mods planned. Mrs will have me killed if i spend anymore.

  3. Andy here, bought my 03-plate Red WRX from S&S just over 6 months ago. Bought it as my last toy before the kiddies come along (hopefully). Have spent a few quid modding it, mostly in the looks department. Love the car for the looks it gets and the noise it makes. It was either the scoob or a brand-spanking-new Type R Civic, bought the scoob coz i thought i might persuade the Mrs to keep it since it's got 4 doors. "It'll still be practical when we've got a nipper!!!"

    1. GUMBALL ..............04 STI WR BLUE

    2. WRXMANIA ...........03 WRX SILVER

    3. DOUGSTER ...........98 Civic 1.5 v-tec

    4 CORSA.................. 04 STI WR BLUE

    5 5COOBY................ 03 CORSA 1.2

    6 jc scoob ................99 UK GREEN

    7 mrs jcscoob...........00UK WAGON

    8 Billyboy..................55 sti9 wif PPP

    9 Spince...................02 WRX Silver

    10 DanTerzo............Wr Blue terzo

    11 GordyNo1...........WR1

    12 seevers ..............01 Bugeye

    13 andywrx ............04 WRX Blue

    14 st3ph3n ............. 05 WRX Black

    15 Fai17...................03 STI8 WR BLUE

    16 scientific steve.....98 Type R Whit

    17 Oobster...............03 WRX Blobeye

  4. There's a place in Plains near Airdrie that does them, but i spoke to someone on the phone from there and they didnt inspire me with confidence.

    I've got an alloy up at Coatech in Carnoustie just now getting repaired, i'll let you know the quality of the finish when i get it back (must remember to phone them & find out where it is)

  5. It's good to get folk on the phone that know what your talking about when your listing all your mods.

    Keith Michaels have now came back with a figure of £895. Looks like i'm going to go with them or Greenlight, who were about 4 quid dearer. Anyone had experiences good or bad with either of those two?

    One of them (i forget which) said the dump valve would slow tha car down!!

    The Mrs. has also allowed me to chuck the cost of the prodrive springs onto my credit card, so it's going in on Friday to get the Prodrive springs fitted face-icon-small-happy.gif I had to promise not to buy anything else for the car as long as the year ends in 05, so 1st of Jan i'm right back into it again!! face-icon-small-happy.gif

  6. Your an impatient auld yin..... maybe the 15 viewers were people like me that were just having a nosey & aren't actually coming to the meet!!! face-icon-small-happy.gif

    Anyway, everyone will be too busy out in the carpark looking at your new shiney brief to want to bring up any points.

    Get some piccies posted up & make us all jealous

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