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Everything posted by graham_nairn

  1. Wot you getting?? New motor
  2. Got the car back durning the week after a fresh service, MOT etc and its the 1st weekend the car has been out for months now. Managed to get the whole weekend off aswell. Think thats the 1st time since Christmas. Had a wee look through the events but cant see anything thats on, on Sunday. Anybody got any Ideas?
  3. To be honest I haven't noticed any difference. This is the 1st time I've had it out for months so compared to my 1l, 4 speed vw polo it feels amazing! The car still needs remaped and I haven't got a new pressure reg yet either. It is however popping and banging out the exhaust a bit more.
  4. I never used th OE bag. Did a search earlier on. Some people said to use it some folk said to use the new bag. Had a drive about everything seems ok. Some folks had also mentioned about disconnecting a black box for running 9v or 12v for the new pump. I didnt have this but the pump I took out had 12v stamped on the side.
  5. Cheers mate. Just thought I'd check. Its all fitted now and put back togther. Everythings seems to be in working order. Thanks
  6. Just got my new fuel pump through the post. Decided to have a go fitting it. After spending ages trying to locate the relay box to disconnect it. I have the pump out of the fuel tank. I knew from the diagrams that the new pump maybe a different size. But the one thats on the car originally is huge!!. Just wondered if anybody else has changed one of these and if that sounds right. The pump is going on a 1997 UK Cataluyna.. Cheers G
  7. Hi Chris I stayed at the Onich hotel at Easter time. Very nice accomadation. 10mins from Fort William Not far from Oban either.
  8. Cheers again Guys. Got your msg Gordy. I haven't tried the centre section I have yet. But if I've got any probs I'll give someone a shout.
  9. Thanks guys I had a Cat in the downpipe and in the centre section. I still have the downpipe section but its a bit trickier to fit back on. The centre section is just two 17mm bolts at either end. I'll have a look at those diagrams.
  10. Thanks Wasnt sure. Knew some parts of the exhaust were different but the centre section looks the same. Cheers
  11. Car is due for an MOT soon and at the moment it is without a cat. I have been able to aquire a centre section with a cat in it from a STI8. Does anybody know if I will have any problems fitting this to my '99 classic? it looks as though everything will line up, the flanges at either end seem to be the same. Any advice before I start dismantling it. Cheers Graham.
  12. Glasgow 1. Gumball (South Side) member 2. Dougster (Old Kilpatrick) SIDC MEMBER 3. Fai17 4. G6RAY 5. Marc29 6. Chris_C201 7. Karps 8.TheWelsho (Southside) 9. Oz *sti* 10. coulty 11. micra_wrc 12. ChromEDomE 13. st3ph3n 14. Vicki 15. RabMcD member 16. Billyboy 17. Ally-b 18. Stripe (SIDC Member) Ayrshire- 1. mur69 (Troon)SIDC MEMBER 2. G.T. (north ayrshire) sidc member 3. oddwriter (patna) thinking about it! 4. Oletam (Prestwick) SIDC Member 5. angiescoob (Ayr) SIDC Member Central- 1. rallye6 sidc member 2. Weeb 3. PaulC555 sidc member 4. Digital 5. Seafar99 sidc member 6. Fraz. A sidc member Edinburgh and Lothians- 1. WRXMANIA SIDC Member 2. Gordyq SIDC member 3. Gus the Bus SIDC Member 4. 4hero (SIDC Member) 5. Ormiboy 6. Scoobyandy (Member) 7. oobster SIDC Member 8. bigbadboab SIDC Member 9. STi_Bandit (SIDC Member) 10. Neofox 11. ScoobyKart (Haddington/Port Seton) Borders and Dumfrieshire- 1. Gordyq SIDC member 2. Road Warrior 3. Neofox Fife- 1. sheep ( kincardine) 2. andy wrx 3. Higgy ( Glenrothes ) 4. FastScooby (Dunfermline) SIDC Member 5. RS Grant 6. Coulster 7. Shugo(Glenrothes) 8.lescazscoob (glenrothes) 9. Irish Al & Baby No 2 (City of Thornton) SIDC Member Tayside- 1. scoobykev 2. Col666 3. scoobylav 4. RS Grant 5. Mako 6. Arbroath Smokie 7. Big Daz Aberdeen and North- 1. Craig Mac Member 2. hammy 3. Ac!D SIDC Member 4. WUZ - MEMBER 5. scientific steve - Member 6. rocky1722 7. Kloon - Member 8. sarahbee 9. Dean - Member 10. whitelaw 11. 360ste 12. Aberscoob 13. Theblacksheep - member 14. Ken555 - Member and R.O 15. mslorach - member 16. RA95 - member 17. Gogsie - member 18. Cal~~~ member 19. SergeantScooby 20. BigAl024 (Elgin Area) 21. neilswrx (stonehaven)member 22. JAC - Member(Jools-Aberdeenshire)
  13. Sorry to hear Fee. Hope you get it all sorted out. Car has been looking great. Another vote for Derek at Nobles. Mine is hopefully due there soon to get a few bits tidied up.
  14. Cheers guys. I did wonder about putting stresses elsewhere. They're not the cheapest of items either for what they are. Think I'll put the money to other uses. Thanks again.
  15. My car is due a major service in the next few weeks. Belts included. Seen as the belts will be getting changed had planned to upgrade the pulleys at the same time. Has anybody used lightened pulleys before. If so was it worth it? Have had a look at Roger Clark's website they have some nice new ones that only weigh 800grams! I already have a lightended flywheel. Cheers Graham
  16. Who else is going up from edinburgh then? In having to work in the morning was hoping to get away early though. Bandit you still going?
  17. I think this question has been asked before. I have a classic impreza and was looking to upgrade the front door speakers. Does anyone know what size they are and what fits best. I did try to upgrade them some time ago. But was sold the wrong size twice so I gave up. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers Graham.
  18. How'd you get on with the wheels Fee? You decided wot to go for yet?
  19. Hello there mate. welcome aboard.
  20. Been some heavy snow down Tranent now. I washed and polished the car yesterday so its prob my fault. Makes it a bit more fun a work though. Trying to get a kart round our outdoor circuit on slicks is fun!!
  21. Welcome along mate. another local. Just along in Port Seton.
  22. I've got the ultralites on my classic. Gold wheel with the polished rim. Its on a black car though. So not really much help. Just thought I'd say. Looks very tidy in my opinion.
  23. Thanks very much mate. Always nice to hear. You manage to make it back up the road without to many moments after sliding about on Sunday morning. Graham
  24. Had the car out on Sunday for the 1st time in a while. only saw 1 other scoob apart from at the karting. A white wagon, near Portabello waved and got waved back.
  25. He's not coming along. He's not been back since he stopped working here. if you know what I mean.
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