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Posts posted by andrew_greenhalgh

  1. << Should be a very good meet.

    Put your ideas for RB fund raising down on paper so we can discuss them! >>

    Bob have you recieved the Sponsor forms from SIDC........ i note that on one of the last replies the organiser was to mail them to all R O`s..... if not i would like to do my own so i can get cracking and raise some cash

  2. << Bit of friendly banter getting misunderstood me thnks....face-icon-small-confused.gif

    Lets not get mixed up were all raising money for Cancer Research and to remember a true legend, and if a little friendly rivalry helps us raise the cash then great. Great ideas can be shared and the LADS have a cracking idea.

    Perhaps we should have a competition who can raise the most?

    Just wanted to clear that up if its OK as i dont think any of the above comments have been meant in an offensive way...face-icon-small-wink.gif >>

    i think it was taken in the wrong context....it was meant as a bit of friendly banter thats all........... sorry if i cant try to gee the members up a bit after all its all for a good cause.....

  3. << Sounds like we missed a good un! Nevermind, we had a great day at the Autosport show, but the shorts on the women could've been a bit tighter.! LOLface-icon-small-wink.gif >>

    ...........i kept getting....Dont you dare take any more pictures...had a great time too.............got to sit in the 2006WRC............woo hoo..and got the pics to prove it.......

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