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Posts posted by andrew_greenhalgh

  1. << Chaps,, give me a couple of days as i may be able to get something sorted with City FM as well, didnt really think but my brother in law has a cousin who is high up there. And i know cancer is close there heart as well.

    Not that im trying to compete but it could be nice to do something similar. >>

    nice one steve........... tell Kev Seed to get his hand in his pocket............also Rossie.......

  2. i know what its like m8,i had a window put in luckily it was my company car and a sat nav system stolen,it was only 4 days old,julie bought it as a present, i still had to fork out £300 for another as the company said it was PERSONAL eqiupment in the car NOT COVERED by insurance, if i ever caught them i would break every bone in the thieving little scum bag hands and teach them a lesson.......b@stards make me sick, its always decent hard WORKING people that are targets, bring back national service and teach them some ******* respect.

  3. i totally agree with the comments too lee, your family is your life a car can be replaced,sorry it had to happen to a fellow member,i just hope the B@stards get whats due to them,may they rot in hell, glad your wifes ok, our best wishes to you all. Andy.

  4. bob i`ll be speaking to a mate of mine who lives near me,he said he might be interested in coming along/joining, he has a MY95 wrx but its a road rally car (local level), might be interesting for some of the members to see a different car.

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