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Posts posted by andrew_greenhalgh

  1. Andy thanks for putting me pics on.... i think the info got a bit mixeded up the second pic you posted was meant to be the 1st pic its how the car looked when i got it.. then it went into get painted.......... then we put the stickers on.......... not too confusing i hope. cheers mate. DJSCOOBZ...........

  2. Hi Colin,dont think i got the chance to meet you,me being a new boy, dont know how Bob and the others see it ,but i feel once a Scooby driver ALWAYS a Scooby driver, Once a CAD always a Cad, look forward to your return good luck and all the best for 2006. Andy & Julie.

  3. Nice one,i work for a company called Wurth, we sell a system that works on glueing small pads onto dings and gently pull them out, works well if you`ve got strengthening bars behind panels etc, have to let you see one.

  4. Hi mate, i`m a newbie, just joined a couple of weeks ago,and loving it went to my first meet 2 weeks ago, well impressed looking forward to next years plans as rasher said come down meet everyone its a bit more family orientated. see what you think got nothing to loose.

  5. If you know your going away for a long time try parking the car on thin wooden sheets or cardboard,this helps reduce moisture form a concrete floor, leave the handbrake off,and chock the wheels. easy peasy lemon wotsit...........

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