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Everything posted by andrew_greenhalgh

  1. << Should be a very good meet. Put your ideas for RB fund raising down on paper so we can discuss them! >> Bob have you recieved the Sponsor forms from SIDC........ i note that on one of the last replies the organiser was to mail them to all R O`s..... if not i would like to do my own so i can get cracking and raise some cash
  2. << Agree about the lack of burble! not quite the same is it......... It's ok I'm not in the least jealous about you sitting in a stripped out supercar! >> phew thats ok then.........
  3. << I would have thought it would be a bit of a let down to you DJSCOOBZ after razzing that 2006 WRC Impreza around the NEC! >> .................meeeeooowww.........do i need a saucer of milk lol i did find it a little disapointing the noise was`nt there....liked the 6 speed box.....but even with a few revs not the same note.......
  4. << Cheers Jeff. Good day. Few pics, click link below. >> nice pics Andy.............. are you after Bobs job?????? Cheers Jeff.
  5. << Watch ya fingers mate!!!!!!! Pics of the Christopher Neil day on the old b4time website now folks...........and welcome John. >> nice one Andy some good pics............i`ll vote for you as official pici taker lol
  6. Thanks Jeff, had a great time just not long enough........ our thanks to all your team we were made to feel most welcome...when i win the lottery tonight i`ll be straight back..........
  7. OW go on then put mine and Julies name down..............
  8. Yea.... i know......whats that old saying mmmmmmmmmmm ahh takes one to know one me thinks LOL
  9. thank mate much apprecited.............. after all his is a fellow scotsman
  10. me booked in too.....3pm drive in the STI.....cant wait...
  11. on my way home from the meet last sunday i had cause to pop into Chester sevices on M56............... Optimax was£1.02 A LITRE.......so try to avoid this place....
  12. Andy did you get my email with my pics of the show..........did i mention I GOT TO SIT IN THE 2006 WRC................
  13. we going too..........being as you lot baggsy`d the morning i`ll have the afternoon aaaaaaaaaal to myself hee hee
  14. not fussed either way voted 12th....dont work Sundays....
  15. our thoughts too go to his family, never had the privelige of meeting the great man,by all accounts he was the life and soul of the party type of person RIP.
  16. << Bit of friendly banter getting misunderstood me thnks.... Lets not get mixed up were all raising money for Cancer Research and to remember a true legend, and if a little friendly rivalry helps us raise the cash then great. Great ideas can be shared and the LADS have a cracking idea. Perhaps we should have a competition who can raise the most? Just wanted to clear that up if its OK as i dont think any of the above comments have been meant in an offensive way... >> i think it was taken in the wrong context....it was meant as a bit of friendly banter thats all........... sorry if i cant try to gee the members up a bit after all its all for a good cause.....
  17. thanks m8 i got there eventually...it works....
  18. i hope this works........Text click on the hi lighted word TEXT to see pics of the show
  19. Bob i found the piece for attaching photos etc but it wont accept them keeps saying that the file is too big i have tried attaching 1 pic at a time what am i doing wrong.....????
  20. << "got to sit in the WRC2006...woo hoo" email me the pics Andy (djscoobz) an I'll whizz em on me site >> they are on the way to you as i write.......
  21. << Andy DJScooby hope you're not turning into a post whore! >> ...think i`ve got a bit more to go to catch Nige.......... just trying to shed the Newbie Sticker.............
  22. Andy got your tickets will drop them off in the week.
  23. << Sounds like we missed a good un! Nevermind, we had a great day at the Autosport show, but the shorts on the women could've been a bit tighter.! LOL >> ...........i kept getting....Dont you dare take any more pictures...had a great time too.............got to sit in the 2006WRC............woo hoo..and got the pics to prove it.......
  24. << I think we will have to start going out at meets as the Bar Bill is more than the fuel bill....LOL Female section? NUTTERS SECTION..... >> ..................got it in ONE
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