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Everything posted by andrew_greenhalgh

  1. << Rob we are going to do our own stuff >> let them do thier own stuff...... i have just got a cheque for 50 sqiud for sponsorship tonight...........lets show em who`s the DADDY...............
  2. << Chaps,, give me a couple of days as i may be able to get something sorted with City FM as well, didnt really think but my brother in law has a cousin who is high up there. And i know cancer is close there heart as well. Not that im trying to compete but it could be nice to do something similar. >> nice one steve........... tell Kev Seed to get his hand in his pocket............also Rossie.......
  3. me to m8........ just printing off the photos i took today....i actually got to sit in the 2006 wrc........... and i know its not scooby related but being a jock got to meet my all time hero.and got an autograph and got a photo of David Coulthard......bringing 15 pics tomorrow and a vid if we can see it.......brill time
  4. << No Andy not at all, I look forward to you arranging it. >> nice one Bob....... i like your style...
  5. << The should be put down and their parents sterilised >> hear hear....i`ll do it got a broken bottle handy or a rusty knife....
  6. i know what its like m8,i had a window put in luckily it was my company car and a sat nav system stolen,it was only 4 days old,julie bought it as a present, i still had to fork out £300 for another as the company said it was PERSONAL eqiupment in the car NOT COVERED by insurance, if i ever caught them i would break every bone in the thieving little scum bag hands and teach them a lesson.......b@stards make me sick, its always decent hard WORKING people that are targets, bring back national service and teach them some ******* respect.
  7. thanks paul & bob, getting it fitted at 10am so should be ready to roll about 1pm........really looking forward to it..
  8. you too m8....its my first one.so dead excited.....what sort of things can i expect...buying a new camera...many oportunities......tel me tell me
  9. << DJSCOOBZ: not swapped the pics but changed the text. it makes sense now! >> sorted mate....had a look thats bob on ta la
  10. i totally agree with the comments too lee, your family is your life a car can be replaced,sorry it had to happen to a fellow member,i just hope the B@stards get whats due to them,may they rot in hell, glad your wifes ok, our best wishes to you all. Andy.
  11. i know m8........i am getting the new spoiler fitted sat morning....so cant make it any earlier...... should be a cracking time tho..plenty to talk about sunday....
  12. << << What more do you want...... you got ANOTHER feature in Blue grip didnt ya......... lol >> I'm disappointed that you didn't know about my earlier articles Andy are you new to the SIDC? >> eeeeerm slightly.why does that matter....
  13. Andy............ you still aint swapped me pics around........
  14. Ok.....do you think anyone noticed.....
  15. WOO HOO Decided to go to the show got tickets for 6pm.coz im getting the spoiler fitted sat morning.............
  16. Oooooooooh Robert you can be such a bitch........but i like you lol
  17. Ok...but just dont ask me to model them...........
  18. you promised you wouldnt mention LEATHER....................
  19. PRAY TELL...............................
  20. just think what it will look like on sunday.when we all rumble into the car park one by one...........what a spectacular sight......
  21. it must be the thought of all these Cars........ People......little people......mates.......its turning into positive Festival....a Harem of Scoobys....
  22. you really aint with it Bob.its my mate........ Djscoobz.............doh
  23. bob i`ll be speaking to a mate of mine who lives near me,he said he might be interested in coming along/joining, he has a MY95 wrx but its a road rally car (local level), might be interesting for some of the members to see a different car.
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