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Everything posted by wrxmania

  1. Happy New Year to you both Grant. Hope the weather is good for your journey. Brian
  2. Oh dear Chris, try posting on Scoobynet as Johnny usually is there, more than here. Merry Christmas BTW, Brian
  3. I would be VERY surprised if it looked anything like that. Mor likely to be a Legacy style front and rear with Legacy style (and quality) interior. Superb if it is - the Legacy is a great car and the quality issue would be very nice to have in an Impreza. Let's all wait and see - I reckon it will be a good looking car next time - just looks at how nice the blobeye looks Brian D
  4. Spill the beans John - a Blue 8 - what's happening with the VII? Brian
  5. Is your "plan" coming together then Stuart? Brian
  6. Glad business is good. All the best for 2005, Brian
  7. Thanks, And Merry Christmas from me too Brian
  8. Either, but the emphasis is definately on the bar If you use the "facilities" the way they are normally used, you'll not be going home in your car There is car parking, which is pretty safe and quiet if you do bring your car. Brian
  9. << The grapevine in Whitburn is a scarey thing. >> Oh no, what do you know about me All the very best to J&K and of course baby Cameron. Arrived early, just in time for that big Christmas dinner Blaeberry meet on the 7th to wet both baby Adam and baby Camerons' heads!!! Brian
  10. A BIG Merry Christmas and all the best to Phil and all involved in SIDC for 2005. I think we would all join together in thanking Phil and the SIDC for setting up and running Scottish Scoobies I am sure 2005 will be a good year for the SIDC Best Wishes, Brian
  11. Can't understand why Grant - you look great in your picture beside you there! Brian.
  12. A St.Bernard may not be enough - we may need the SASto get him into the public eye again
  13. << Considerate it sorted .. Steve >> Best not write the Santa Cruise article after all Considerate it sorted????
  14. Get on with it then...... You went to school up to first year I heard, then the bullies came
  15. Knowing where Kilwinning is - a start - it's not that big!! Brian
  16. << Might just stroll along to see what all the fuss is about ... What's that .. Brain's buying the 1st pint ?? .. Woohoo ! 1. WRXMania (Brian). 2. Stevo-STi (Steve) >> Don't you start or I'll start an insurance thread The name is BRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!
  17. I may come along if it is in Kilwinning - easier for me to get to than Ayr!!! In Kilwinning or surrounding areas may get the guys from C&C to come along and offer free exhaust advice! Some West Coast boys could come along to the West Lothian meet on the 7th Jan 2005 Brian
  18. Hello all, The time has come for the first Blaeberryhill Inn meet of 2005. Directions available from West Lothian Scoob, last spotted on a flight to the moon I believe All welcome, posting on Scoobynet post meet optional . Post your name below if you are going to break your New Years Resolutions with everyone else 1. WRXMania (Brian). See you all then, Brian
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