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Everything posted by Boro_Babe

  1. Mmmmmm, some serious thinking to do now[] Debbie
  2. Would have loved to come Chris, but Boro are playing Bolton on that day so can't make it[] Never mind, we'll have to try & get to another day[]
  3. YHEM. Cheers. Welcome Dave £10 for Bob - be careful[:$] Alternativley you could just buy the wine for the girls instead[A] Debbie
  4. So that's what you were doing last night in the bar [:$] Couldn't make out what the song was cos of you're accent[<)]
  5. Was good to meet you Chris[] Every woman that appeared was given a kiss and a hug by the guys (all of them) That's why I keep going, not interested in the cars but you never know who might be there[6] (think Paul's hoping that one day I might go home in the wrong car)[] Not sure about Danny sharing with you in Germany - he might teach you some bad habits & lead you astray[] Glad you enjoyed it, you never know we might get across the border one day[] Love & kisses (& lots of hugs) Debbie
  6. Hope she's soon sorted Steve
  7. [] Going now - have got an early start in the morning[|-)]
  8. But then we started talking about who wasn't a member and then it just went on from there[<)]
  9. A go at what Steve[]
  10. I like Pink[]
  11. He didn't ask me Sophie and i have my own key[6]
  12. Keep up the good work Sophie - you'll be DRIVING him mad in no time[]
  13. Not a cat in Hell's Debs!!!!! Spoilsport Bob[]
  14. I'm not a paid up member but who can blame me i havn't got a scoob.............. or a driving licence yet! lol 4 more years Don't worry Sophie, I think we'll get ours later because it's a family membership, there's just a lot to do at the moment I'll give you a driving lesson in your Dad's car[6]
  15. Nice piccies Andy - sorry we didn't make it today will see you all next month[]
  16. Thanks Sophie, but what happened to you
  17. I'll have a chat Pete, just tell her that we're going
  18. << you`ll have to tell the story over and over again at the meet.........after the wine of course >> Sorry will have to be the March meet, I'll be having a drink at the P1 rolling road in feb << Deb, don't tar us all with the same brush, you have more posts than me and in a shorter time >> ok Andy you are the exception to the rule (No 1 CADS man for not being sad), my excuse is that Paul brainwashed me - it was a case of it you can't beat them join them
  19. Got pampered really good thanks Pete, would recommend it to anyone that wants a treat
  20. << least your ok thats main thing.! >> I'm fine thanks andy, my friend that was with me is a nervous passenger so i don't really go fast with her in. Didn't even damage the rim which was good news when Paul checked it over
  21. Don't panic boys Got a flat tyre & had to get the nice AA man to put the space saver on Coming back in the slow lane at 50mph was not much fun If anyone spotted a WR1 on the M1/M18/A1 doing an impersonation of a flat cap on a sunday jaunt, i don't normally drive like that (honest I normally go at 60)
  22. << Got the WR1 back safely then >> Mmmmm, sort of
  23. << im not even at 500 >> That means you have a life Sophie, not like all these sad sad men
  24. What's he up to now ???????
  25. << And i will be there in my new and improved car. >> Sorry Pete will have to miss the excitement as we're double booked
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