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scuba dou

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About scuba dou

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  1. Let’s get the speed rumours off the site men. All this mention about speed is not what we need to see or read. Suggest we use the edit function.
  2. Good effort from S-UK. No compassion for the lunitic who did this. Mindless act.....
  3. Davey, I take it your background will be electrical or electronics? Whatever it is if you interested in getting offshore there are plenty that can help with advice and contacts. Let me know. Be glad to help if I can (and I’m sure I can). Ex military employees are a sound bet offshore and history proves you boys to be first class for all the obvious reasons. Regards, Jools Ensco
  4. Need the box to send to KAPS in the Czech Republic. Only need the bell housing and the opposite end really so not looking to pay top money for a box I won't use. Diff is a part of what’s coming with new set up. I have my own 6 speed going in the car so we can get the engine run in on a safe map over the next two or three weeks and then get it mapped good and proper. Did plan to use my own box, but ideally would like to keep the standard one and the sequential one if I can. Jools kaps 6 speed
  5. Anyone know where I can get a 6 speed box. 2006 or newer - complete or stripped, any condition. Jools
  6. Looking for a knackered 6 speed impreza box that we can use to rebuild. Anyone know of such a box or where to source; UK or Europe. regards, JAC
  7. spain is not so far away....
  8. When we moved to Denmark 20 months ago it was hard to get used to this approach, not so much in light traffic, but you don't leave your car running anywhere over here. Was watching the boys play football, sat in the car with engine running….and quickly learnt you don’t use the engine to keep yourself warm. O no; one buys a big jacket, scarf and gloves. I thought I saw somewhere that BMW were developing a car that switched off and on depending on brake and throttle response. I.e. whilst stopped with foot brake on is turns off engine and when you come off the brake it starts engine, etc. Jools
  9. John, I thought it was the 400D which we were all talking about when we had the original SIDC member gathering at the house a couple of years back. Cammy, Willie, Colin and Neil all had similar kit too as I recall. Anyhow I have been given an Abz camera shop voucher for my birthday which will get me the 400D or even the 450D. I am thinking about throwing in the extra and going for the 40D. Was in the states a few weeks back and bought a 55-250 mm lens c/w IS in preparation for the buy. Bit odd explaining to the shop sales man ‘I don’t have a camera’, but I want a decent lens Be home tomorrow pm for the next week. 616 ARL will be sat at the airport carpark ready and waiting. Must find the spare keys tonight Heading to Inveness Sunday pm and then over the Ord to Caithness to visit family Monday, so we will get some miles on the car on some decent roads Cheers, Jools
  10. It's the 6.5 kg one I have. http://www.rogerclarkmotorsport.co.uk/shop...sp?productID=98 http://www.rogerclarkmotorsport.co.uk/shop...p?productID=129
  11. John, What camera you using; the 400 or the 40? Jools
  12. I have the RCM lightened fly wheel and up rated clutch, with RCM front end pulleys a long with a few other bits and bobs. I have none of the aforementioned issues mentioned Spool up is very fast, car revs more like a bike Perhaps you need more aggression to pull away smartly...but 5k and a side step of the clutch peddle tends to get you over that little hurdle See previous Alford sidc vids. Engine braking disappears, as such, but them it’s not an HGV…and that’s why we have big APs... Excellent and very underrated mod IMHO. Jools
  13. Cheers for the comments.... Dale; have not tried since the other night. Will try now I have the info. Thanks for the offer John. I have diverted the goods to Kinmuck to our friends there, across the road from Simon & Helen. KN sounds very tempting, but I think I will head south with the group on the Sat morning. We will probably be on the road at the same time, but I may come home on the Fri morning and head south on the Fri night. IainC; we still have the house - rented out to a Finnish family. Keep an eye on it as you go through. Jools...the Viking
  14. Dale; that was me trying to log onto Abz scoobies Cal; Life is better now. We had a hard time with Sinclair being ill earlier this year. (Late Jan thru early March) He got sick real bad after his appendix ruptured at school. He was in a HDU in the main university hospital over here for over 30 days. This included 3 major op's. It was real tough on two occasions; where he was listed as very critical for two 24 hr periods and just critical for over 16days.... Difficult, even now. Hence me not being around on here or back at home much. Don't know where the year has gone, but we are all getting back to normal and he is back to full power. Young Finlay is also doing well and they are both loving life over here; as is their Mum. Dad not complaining either...just miss the car and track days. I am going to try and take both the boys home for the trip to the McRae Gathering (616 ARL will be there for sure) and maybe get back to the track days next year. When Sinclair was in hospital, he kept looking at the knockhill vid you put together of our last track day out in Nov 2006 when it was so wet and we were making the very best of it. Andy; many thanks for trying.
  15. Hey Andy, Many thanks. I log on through my works server in Dallas, via Abz, from Copenhagen.... so that must be causing me some delays and problems. I see order number 980 is confirmed and that 981 and 982 are pending. Thanks for the help and conformation. I have given you the address of friends in the village back home, but I ordered the t-shirts to my UK home address, which the Royal Mail forward on, but this takes time. Can I amend the shipping address for the t-shirts to be the same as the stickers? Sorry for hassle as you guys are doing a fantastic job. Jools
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