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Posts posted by st3ph3n

  1. Hey Peter, would be for a small-ish core cooler to fit a supercharged 1400 motorbike engine running I think about 18psi/1.25 bar. To be packaged in a Westfield type car.

    Everything on eBay is heavy, too big, or doesn't have the sort of pipework exits that are helpful to the packaging.

    How's the satay? Must get down for a taste again.

  2. Yeah it was lever to the floor, so more than likely the ratchet failed somehow. If you search for vauxhall handbrake you'll find loads of hits for watchdog and what not, but this car only new last year so shouldnt be affected. It's been recalled for a brake pedal problem but not the brakes themselves. My folks' driveway is on a slight slope, so he had to have put the brake on before he got out otherwise the car would have rolled straightaway.

  3. Hey kids, long time no speak!

    As per the topic - my brother's less than a year old Corsa got loose in the driveway and hit the garage wall. Car was parked up with handbrake on and some point after he left it and 5 hours later the handbrake failed (the lever was all the way to the floor so dodgy ratcher?) and it rolled down the incline.

    Arnie Clark and Vauxhall both not interested after first attempt at speaking to them but it shouldn't be an insurance job as it's been a car failure. So looking for someone to speak to!


  4. One less black Scooby to wave at around Lanarkshire :(

    Never mind mate. I've been over a year without mine now and it's only wee odd moments that I miss it. Wouldn't have traded in the 5 and a bit years for anything though.

    Oh and that was my quote. :D

  5. Bumped in to JohnS yesterday in Burger King in Dundee of all places. He was heading north and we were going south - he was saying there'd been a good turnout on the stand - and the event in general. The pictures certainly seem to show that. Great to see the club's going strong.

  6. I think I got lucky when I sold mine as it went in less than a fortnight. I remember you were interested at the time as well Gaz. Welsho's still trying to shift his too and it's a cracking car.

    Just not a seller's market at the moment at all.

    Thought about We Buy any car?

  7. Phew. Signatures completely turned off. Full offence to anyone who's added a picture to theirs - but it's the single most efficient way to completely destroy the usability of a forum. Stop and look at it for a minute and digest exactly what you're adding to a page payload and length of time for people to scroll. The usability gods will thank you when you remove yours.

    Other than that - liking the new look. Especially the new mobile view. Very web two point ohhhhhhh.

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