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Posts posted by st3ph3n

  1. No, because the whole point is that it is copyrighted to the BBC, its their intellectual property... and they are trying to stop the book... If they wanted that book to come out, I'm sure that they would have released it themselves...

    The character is copyrighted - but he's writing the book as himself about his time being employed to play said character. What's to stop Harrison Ford writing a book about playing Han Solo? Nothing! In both cases they'd simply be stating the facts.

  2. I find it quite strange they're doing odds on a new Stig - surely the whole point of getting a new one would be that no one would know who they were anyway?

    I say keep Collins - the man's just writing a book about playing a great character. He can still play said character afterwards!

  3. Brake test the knobend the next time. When I had the scoob I was always a fan of just throwing on the fogs and coming off the gas - slows you down but not by braking - but they think you've hit the brakes. Or if they were still persistant then it was left foot brake then mash the throttle with the right. You can really cause someone issues with that one.

    If someone is going to tailgate me then they get that or a wee gesture.

  4. I thought it was fairly common knowledge that it was Ben Collins anyway. Wikipedia has said it's him for at least a couple of years I think.

    Colour me completely unphased. Next you'll be telling me Darth Vader wasn't real......

  5. Stephen, for you to know that, you must've washed them WAAAAAAAY too many times :thumbup:

    Thoroughly disappointed no one knows a good father ted reference when they see it:

    Father Ted: I ordered some new stuff for the house, get rid of this old tat.

    Father Dougal: Did you phone Habitat?

    Father Ted: No, Habit Hat. Like Habitat it sells soft furnishings but also priest clothes.

    Father Dougal: Does it not get confused with Habitat?

    Father Ted: No, that's never happened, except when you just did it.

    Father Dougal: Anyway, what else did you order?

    Father Ted: Priest's socks, really black ones.

    Father Dougal: I read an article about priest's socks, that priest's socks are blacker than any other socks.

    Father Ted: That's right. Sometimes you see lay people wearing apparently black socks, but if you look closely, they are really very, very, very very dark blue.

    Father Dougal: That's true. I thought my Uncle Tommy was wearing black socks but when i look at them closely, they were just very, very, very, very, very, very dark blue.

    Father Ted: Never buy black socks in a normal shop. They will shaft you everytime.

  6. Stephen we went to three shows, the first one was the best of the festival which was a compare and then four ten minute slots by acts that are appearing at the festival. Three of them were very good and one was poor.

    We then saw a guy called father stone who was in father ted but he was utter rubbish and we all left after about 20 minutes.

    Best of all for me was steven k Amos.

    Think RDH said that Amos was on directly after him in the venue we were in. I imagine he'd be good. We're thinking of doing a few more later in the month. Might as well take advantage of it whilst it's on!

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