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Posts posted by st3ph3n

  1. Stephen. Owned a 1.4 civic as my first car, kept it for 3 years and loved it. Traded "up" to a Vectra I got a MASSIVE discount on. Was miffed with it for 3 years other than it was comfortable to drive and had a nice sound system. Finally got job security last November, autotradered the Vectra, shifted it to a mate in the end and before the ink on the cheque was dry I was at motorpoint in Glasgow licking the black Impreza in the forecourt to mark it as mine. A week later I collected it and I've had a smile on my face ever since. I have loads of favourite things about it. Friends, family, colleagues, passers by love it, but I didn't buy it for attention. I bought it because it's great fun.

    1. GUMBALL ..............04 STI WR BLUE

    2. WRXMANIA ...........03 WRX SILVER

    3. DOUGSTER ...........98 Civic 1.5 v-tec

    4 CORSA.................. 04 STI WR BLUE

    5 5COOBY................ 03 CORSA 1.2

    6 jc scoob ................99 UK GREEN

    7 mrs jcscoob...........00UK WAGON

    8 Billyboy..................55 sti9 wif PPP

    9 Spince...................02 WRX Silver

    10 DanTerzo............Wr Blue terzo

    11 GordyNo1...........WR1

    12 seevers ..............01 Bugeye

    13 andywrx ............04 WRX Blue

    14 st3ph3n ............. 05 WRX Black

  2. They're less Bricky and frankly sh*t than they used to be now that real manufacturers are making 3G phones. Still a bit bulkier than normal. Think they've got most of the battery sapping issues ironed out too.

    I'm using an Orange SPV C500 at the moment and when I use any of the company Nokias it feels like stepping back into the dark ages. I'll never buy another type of phone again.

  3. Not sure about the UK spec ones, but the JAP one simple needs flashed to version 2.0 firmware. It has built in wifi so you can hook it up to your home/office network to download updates, play games or browse the interweb.

  4. A set of Volk TE37 wheels. AYE RIGHT! Like i've got 1300 notes to spend on wheels. A boy can dream though.

    Wheels are on next years list. Liking the work emotion ones. Lightweight and reasonably light on the pocket.

    I should probably not buy anything for a while. The car will need a service before the end of the year, road tax, insurance.

    But anyone who really knows me will realise that these expenses come out of a different fund in my brain, not the fun fund. So expect a DV and maybe something else before december.

    EDIT: I forgot I've got a cusco front strut brace coming from hypertech. Should have got it on Friday but the supplier's one was broken so they're just waiting on a new one.

  5. Please ignore that thread a moment ago, I am a blathering foooool.

    Anyhoo. Geometery + droplinks = MAGIC.

    If anyone knows the tight right hander coming from the Kincardine bridge onto the west bound M9 then I took that 5 miles an hour faster today with much less Drama than I used to get at 5 miles an hour slower. I also got on the power much earlier and the car just stayed planted.

    Once I've bedded in these brakes I'll be faster than Jacko in Toys'r'us.

  6. I was a big fan of Juiced. Got the first version on the xbox that was never released due to the publisher going down the tubes. Played it until it got dull - when the only way to move up a class was modifying yank tanks that handled like the Titanic in a sea full of glaciers.

    Moved onto NFSU2 in recent weeks and just about completed that. Just got an Impreza which is being tweaked to replace my 10 star Evo. Can't be winning races with a tool from the darkside you understand. Any game that has proper drifting down the side of a mountain gets a thumbs up from me.

    For my PSP I have Ridge Racers (japanese), Tony Hawk's Underground 2 (US), Hot shots Golf (US, aka Everybody's golf in UK and JAP) and then the recent addition of TOCA 2 on Saturday there. Not a bad game amongst them I must admit. Impressed with TOCA2. Graphics aren't quite PS2 quality, but with a screen as small it doesn't matter. It also lets me race Aussie V8s round Bathurst and that is indeed a grand thing.

    Roll on Gran Turismo Portable though.

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