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Posts posted by st3ph3n

  1. Bloody tasty Peter. After a rather disappointing christmas lunch with the office I was in need of some proper food. The new cheesecake on the menu is excellent.

    A huge thanks to Grant for the safe deliver of the picture. Have unfurlled it at home and ...... brings it all back doesn't it? There's a wee tear in the eye looking at it. The wee extra was magic too mate, you're a star.

    And I won one of the oils, so double result!

  2. That first one is outstanding Scott. 11 out of 10 mate.

    Also - Rossi on the super special. That man is a complete legend. I wish I was that good on 4 wheels or 2, never mind both. Maybe Gordon Brown should get him to look over the accounts and see if he can do anything with them?

  3. Was there anything in the terms and conditions of purchase that said no sell on? I've been guilty of profiteering on a couple of limited edition things in the past, but never when it was for charity.

    The 40% donation (or worse - the 10% one) is absolutely derisory.

    I hope whoever ends up with the print cherishes it though, the people selling them don't deserve them now.

  4. Used Shell Lizzie Brice a few weeks back. Will double check my accounts for the next few months!

    I got caught last August with someone trying to do a western union money transfer for three hundred sheets and a few other transactions for small amounts including the congestion charge in London!

    Must admit that it took the bank longer than I'd have liked to deal with it too. I was alerted to it by an email saying my visa secure password had been changed (it's a flawed system) and I immediately phoned the bank to get everything stopped. Needless to say they didn't phone back as promised so I had to do it again 5 hours later.

  5. If I did change it wouldn't be to a new car. I'd get something cheaper than what the car is worth now. I certainly wouldn't be making an attempt at getting something that was sort of half-fun either as that would make me lust after an impreza again. It would be something simple.

    I'd come back though. I'm not finished with Subarus, just thinking I maybe finished with them for a couple of years.

  6. Never heard of the oil temp sensor issue. Did lots of reading about sensor placement before I got mine. I followed the guide that PSI3 had written. They used the defi sensor and recommended putting it in the gallery. Wuz recommended too. As did drb5 from memory.

    £145 seems pretty steep too. I can tell you that it took me about 45 minutes to do the electrical wiring. It might have been a bit easier for me as my stereo setup made it quite easy to tap into all the right wires. When Spooks was doing the sensor fitting it took about an hour including us spending half an hour wrestling with the one we couldn't get out, which Duncan at Hypertech did in 10 minutes when I was in for an oil change a few weeks later.

  7. I did all the eletrical side of mine myself. Was pretty easy. Spooks (and Gus) helped out in the engine bay side of things. We ran into trouble getting the gallery plug from cylinder 3 to move so we could mount the oil temp. Ended up the next time I was at hypertech I got them to do it.

    Are you going down the sandwich route or the individual sensors for the oil temp and pressure?

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