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Everything posted by WRXGirly

  1. my better half Kieran here's the incar video's from EDC knockhill where I got 3rd place! Car is a nissan 200sx s14a with Gm 6.0 ls2 motor in stock trim running approx 400bhp and 400 lb/ft or torque. the car is also a daily driver , drove to and from kncokhill, 2 days drifting , and has a full interior as a road car normally including baby seat!!!!! Thanks to the following people who helped build and maintain the car and the team who support and look after the car and myself trackside!! ApexV8.com - to convert anythign to lsx series v8!! BC Racing - http://www.bc-racing.co.uk/ BPC - http://www.blackperformance.co.uk/ DCMS - http://www.dickinsoncms.co.uk/ KSport - http://www.ksport.co.uk/ Totally Dynamic - http://www.totally-dynamic.co.uk/ Rota - www.rarerims.co.uk Banbury Flocking - http://www.banburyflockingservices.com/ H-Tech Styling - http://www.htechstyling.co.uk/ Pirelli - http://www.pirelli.co.uk/ and my team mate in the 591 bhp 6.7 litre race spec v8 skyline
  2. they can't take you to court if you've not been served with papers within 6 months of the date of offence, sending them back to the polcie office and asking you to go collect ain't on. go to court , tell them the details and ask for a continuance. you should get it. tell the judge that you've not been presented with any evidence ( ie police statements , pictures etc ) and you are entitled to this before your trial. when you get the continuance get a lawyer quick smart. only thing i can foresee ****ing you up is you sent back the NIP and told them it was you hence pleading quilty in advance of the court case and it just being a matter of how bad the points and fine are gonna be. as for the person above who said your getting a ban just for being taken to court, talking pish. get a good lawyer , get a letter from your employer and you'll walk away with less than 6 points
  3. should be after half 5 ish
  4. when suit's you mate give kieran a call on o7966 2373o1 to arrange please
  5. will do but i've already glance checked the fuses and they all seem fine. will check again then
  6. anyone fancy having a look at my 93 wrx for a couple of beer tokens? totally stumped with the problem as it just won't power the fuel pump at all messages me please
  7. ayr to glasgow is a fairly wide geographical miss though. never heard of them either
  8. my money is on moron. 4k for a 93 wrx with no t&t is a bit steep is it not. especially on those wheels
  9. alwya get great service at BC
  10. the bottom one?? kieran found it online somewhere. small world this internetz business
  11. well she;s mine and she's a bit loud!!!!!! i'll get pics up tomorrow but the paint needs a bit of work few lacquer peels but car has had a new engine and pulls and drives really really well so very happy. now remind me, how much boost can i run safely???
  12. hello folks. i was about her a few years ago when i bought my first wrx ra ( oh how i miss it ) so after a few years of rwd drifty stuff i'm coming back to the rally slag fold!!! going to pick up a 93 classic today for not a lot of monies with a few tasty we mods on it. paintwork isn't perfect but i'll sort that soon enough as we have a friend who sprays cars and does ours for free. will get pics when i pick it up. looking forward to coming to meets etc as both myself and kieran ( the other half ) are active in other clubs so it'll be good to meet more likeminded petrol heads. those of you who've been to time attack/edc at knockhill may recognise kieran. this is his car see y'all soon claire
  13. funny you should say that as it was the same stunt drivers for both vaughn gitten jnr and other drift alliance boys. apparently , with a few obviousl exceptions most of it was done for real. including parts of the mountain scene with the drift chain. those in the know will have spotted the falken rx7 and kazama's old s13 both D1 jp cars!! Edit: He loved it as it was pure automotive car pron!!! with some near naked chicks thrown in for good measure.
  14. car's running 350 at the (front ) wheels beat an r32 gtr in the final., wheelspinning in 4th. runs an sr20 motor from a gtiR, garret gt28rs and a whole host of other top end goodies. funny thing is he drove it there and back!!
  15. f ire chief bloke apparently. spotted before and been on various west coast forums* not the 5-0 anyway. *( read as strathy!!!)
  16. mate was only having a laugh!! I actually really like Claire's subaru ( especially when it's snowing ) each car has it's benefits and drawbacks and i'm sure every one would agree that car control is more down to the individual thatn the car as so many people have found to their detriment in the past!! Anyway i agree those guys are gay. those aren't 200sx's they're driving , they're 240sx's big american tanks with a 2.4 na engine!! No turbo power , booooooooooooooooo Cheers kieran
  17. Having once again hijacked my good lady's login , i must protest at this thread. Us 200sx drivers are not gay , infact i would contest we are more manly than you subaru boy's as we've got no 4wd to save our asses when we drive like tubes!!! Why not pop over to sxoc.co.uk and see how many people take offence to that statement!! And a decently spec'd 200 would more than match the equivalent subaru on the twisties i reckon!! "steps back to watch ensuing inter forum war " p.s. can't view video as it's coming up with an error message.
  18. Was definitely a 55 plate and had the brembo's and wr1 badging. it wasn't that quick though so could be someone with ambition above their station , lol!!
  19. Evening gent's have hijacked my good lady's login to ask if this was one of you guys. if it's someone on here........ time for a power upgrade me thinks! Kieran
  20. Yeah I can get a bit expensive and I was ready for killing him when I found out he was doing it on his street tyres!! It's getting really bad now though as he is going through 2-3 sets of tyres at each full on event!! It is good fun, you should come to the next Knockhill event as they (SXOC in assoc with Drift UK who organise it) do passenger runs (insurance through the organisers) It is well worth while for the adrenaline and K won the drift champ at Knockhill earlier in the year. There are a few of the boys planning to enter the D1 next year so all very exciting!!
  21. << ... freind is looking for a set of wheels and tyres to use on the car to get to and from Hillclimb/sprint events next year. What have you ?? cheers ---john--- >> i've got a set of 7 x 17" team dynamic monza's with no tyres i'm afraid but could get some put on. probably could do with a refurb but if they are only for sprints etc . I'll put part worn's on them and let them go for £200 or £125 with no tyres.
  22. << are we gonna find out why they were so popular???? >> erm I wasn't present myself however allegedly there was some twin drifting antics and a small display of sorts. nothing ott and done away from any bystanders or cars allegedly Kieran ( my better half ) has done a few drift days at knockhill a while back and at the last hot hatch day and is regularly to be found on the 8val at crail. he's pretty good you know
  23. Thanks for your help guys! Will give them all a try. << Admiral = 450 FC & im only 23 Edit - it is a UK car however....imports still pretty much no go unless I want to pay like £1000+!! >> Yeah think that might be my prob, as the last time I tried to insure my car they tried to charge me for an 2004 reg wrx when its a 1993 K reg!! 2004 was the year it was imported not manufactured!!! lol!!
  24. << Thanks to everyone who we met the glasgow crusie, good to meet some of you's for the first time. To all that left early you missed the best bit with the two 200nx's thank's and see you on tue's hopefuly, Michael & Lesley >> those will be 2 200sx's! One is my boyfriend ( the silver one ) I'll let him know he was popular !! He'll be well chuffed!!
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