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Posts posted by wilky

  1. Congratulations Peter!

    I wouldn't say that people were negative towards your efforts they just enjoyed giving you stick, or perhaps enjoyed asking questions they thought you couldn't answer, childish I know but there you go, its a public forum.

    Doing what a lot of us on here do or have done is a bitter sweet pass time, I for one know that better than any after my recent disaster.

    During the process of building the car have had some unkind things said about me and my car, all of which were untrue and was usually down to the green eyed monster called jealousy.

    I hope your efforts pay the 10 second reward, and better that you are looking for and that it lasts a damn sight longer than mine did lol.

    Anyone at that level of tuning need fire protection. I learned that lesson the hard way.

    Again well done it will all seem worth the effort now, just don't let your ambition outstrip the cars ability, break it then sit around for 5 months as it is repaired.

    Kindest Regards


  2. Many years ago when I was in my late teens early 20's I owned a seriously tuned mini which I had just had properly set up with help from none other than David Vizard. (The Andy Forrest of Minis)

    A Skoda pulled up next to me at the lights on Princes Street and I looked over and was delighted to see the other driver was up for it. I Should have taken note of the full Roll cage and the Decals the car was wearing.

    I had just gripped second gear as the Skoda was disappearing round the corner at Carlton Hill!!!

    Turned out to be a fully prepared Gp A Rally car!!!

    Callum W

  3. I cannot find this information over here in the states, if anyone can help me out I would appreciate it.

    What is the length of a nissan straight 6 when coupled to a 2wd 5 speed gearbox.

    I need the measurement from the timing belt cover to the output at the back of the gearbox.

    I also need the measurement from the timing belt cover to the center of the gearstick.

    Callum W

    This would be an RB20DET or and RB25DET

  4. I cannot find this information over here in the states, if anyone can help me out I would appreciate it.

    What is the length of a nissan straight 6 when coupled to a 2wd 5 speed gearbox.

    I need the measurement from the timing belt cover to the output at the back of the gearbox.

    I also need the measurement from the timing belt cover to the center of the gearstick.

    Callum W

  5. This is one of the longest runways in europe.

    I have personally seen some very strange goings on in this location that Ill probably tell someone about on my deathbed.

    I knew the guy who looked after this place until the MOD let it go, and he told me some very interesting stories.

    Its a fantastic facility, you could do so much with it and make crail, santa pod etc etc look like kids play............................................................................



  6. Dear All,

    Yesterday afternoon I drove to Cambuslang to see my friend and let the bodyshop who built the fatboy know that S 666 OBY would be the cover car in Jap Performance.

    Whilst approaching the Mini roundabout at the West End Bar on Glasgow Road the engine burst into flames and the car was quickly engulfed. Me and the passanger were lucky to escape with our lives, it was that quick. This was caused by the passenger side APS fuel rail splitting and for no other reason. The quality of workmanship on the car from Greers to SW has always been outstanding and I simply wont tolerate any rumor mongering or gossip.

    I would like to thank Strathclyde Fire Brigade for showing up as quickly as they did, and The Police for being helpful and sympathetic.

    Thats it. Its over, I am gutted. My romance with subarus is over and I shall not be modifying any more cars.

    To those that I know its been fun but thats it, game over.

    To the subaru rubberneckers who drove past, took photographs and didnt offer any help, shame on you.

    Callum W

  7. keys are coded now, car is much use as a chocolate fire guard if not got the keys to start it

    Your right Diesel hands,

    Unfortunately its now a case of breaking into your house to get the keys. The preferred method is a pole through your letterbox with a magnet on the end. Even on plastic keyless systems people still put metal key rings on them making it easy for the magnet to pick up.

    What can be done to counter this? Personal home security, checking windows and doors before you go to bed. Dont leave your keys in the hall on a table or in a jacket pocket in the hall. Be aware of third party interest in your home and your car as you go about your daily business.

    Here in Louisiana there is not many house breakings as you can imagine. Here you have the right to defend your home against robbery. Your car is also considered an extension of your home so its acceptable to defend it as well against robbery, meaning you are within your right to be armed.

    However if you want to wander around outside the car tooled up, you need a concealed weapons permit.

    In the UK its different, but little changes to your daily routine, and awareness of who is taking an interest in you can go a long way to deterring these scumbags. Its all about making the effort and not being negative. Be proactive, not reactive.

    take active steps to make it hard for them, if you just moan about it and think its all hopeless, you are letting them win.

    Ill get off the soapbox now.

    Callum W

  8. wilky i tried to point something out and now people are saying my car is in one of the video,s my car has been in my garage constantly and my neighbour,s can back that up and it goes no where :rotfl:

    Relax dude its cool.

    If you were genuinely trying to make a point I hear you, its all the CSI investigators on here you have to put up with.

    If your at the wind up your a naughty boy, but I dont think you are.

    Everyone else, lets just drop it, please.

  9. I know many of you you work in the Oil Industry, as I do.

    There was an explosion on a BP Drilling Platform last night in the Gulf of Mexico, many men injured, 13 life's unaccounted for.

    Details are sketchy however it may be a Transocean jack-up.

    If anyone finds out more please add to this thread.

    Callum W

  10. Not at all! Keep going, there hasn't been any excitement on here for ages.

    Just to recap then,

    Arch is a clype and blows his own trumpet.

    JAC doesnt like the service Alan provided to Peter

    Peter gave everyone 20% discount and wont let the same thing happen again.

    Continue, please..........

  11. Im putting the whitelines on my car. From the feedback I get from other whiteline owners they are a really good setup.

    There was a place in glenrothes restored teins, however I couldnt find them last year and I suspect they went to the wall.

    Callum W

  12. NGK PFR7B is the plug of choice. Its a grade cooler than the ones recommended and has been proven time and time again to remain sweeter longer than the fancy iridium ones that cost an arm and a leg.

    Set the gap around .65mm

    I set the gaps on mine around .68 but that suited my car and level of tuning at the time.

    I don't think there is a better value plug out there but its been a couple of years since I did this sort of thing and Im quite sure that if there is a better option someone will correct me.

    Callum W

  13. Neil,

    I can understand your concern. If I was a high profile character such as you, I would be seriously concerned about all my stalkers and interested members of the public planning the invasion of my privacy and stealing such a valuable car.

    Im quite sure you are correct to assume that they will also go to the lengths of using satellite imagery and trawl the internet for pictures of a car worthy of stealing only to select from a cast of thousands, your brief.

    May I suggest a few security measures you could take in the meantime to bridge the gap until Google remove the picture, obviously avoiding a very costly and public law suit.

    1. Don't park there anymore.

    2. Employ a Private Security Firm to provide 24hr round the clock protection of the afore mentioned Brief.

    3. Employ a Private Security Firm to provide you with Personal Bodyguards so your security is not compromised.

    4. Change your name.

    5. Wash your hands.

    6. Get a life.

    7. Smoke your own rod.

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