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Posts posted by Gumball

  1. i just payed 500 sheets to join duncans gym and now theyre saying they have one chair that does it all for you??????


    i would invest in that if i was bannatyne, then he could fire one round to my house and save me walking across to his gym

  2. see you later.

    The DVLA/police have required more blood from me and penalty points wise i wont be able to insure another subaru until im 32.

    By the time im 32 knowing how my mind works i will be interested in something else like tabogoning or indoor fire eating so i reckon the subaru scene is finally over for me.

    This and i promise is the final farewell.

    As ive said before, a lot of good people cut about here and also a lot of helmets (one in particular)

    have fun with your scoobies.


    someone please taek a grip of the september run for the sake of the people and lead this event.

    start- showcase glasgow







    then down into the b roads for miles an miles an miles heading through the hills towards the M74 again

    swing over into Dumfries

    back to glasgow

  3. no worries, i gave them a freindly wave and toot when i went by them a few times. Easy mistake to make, i thought they were someone else.[;)]

    I have a mondeo tdci st and a vectra just now until i decide what one i like more.

    The vectra seems quicker but the mondeo has loads of gadgets and is cooler looking

  4. Once again i just saw someone get pulled by this


    they are flying up and down then crawling up and down the M80 between the M8 Gassworks and the brewers fare at Stepps.

    All morning this has been going on and im sure they will be there this avo as well.

    They are also using the overhead cameras to watch the full length of the motorway before sending out hodit and dodit after people.

    50 is the limit on that road and these days its wise to stick to it.

    The old days of 150 up there (so i hear[;)]) are over if you want to keep the green card in your wallet

  5. dont get a 2.5 as you will only regret not getting the 3.

    3" meercat or even hayward and scoot although having rolled with hayward for a while i find that meercat is euqally as good if not better.

    The fuel pressure regluator is a good idea as well as dave said. U can go to andys and he says "where is the fpr?"

    search on ebay for the fuel pressure regulator. i had an FSE rather than a SARDS model and it was fine at half the price.

  6. Martin,

    Walbro fuel pump should be bought at proven pruducts rather than that mob. about 80quid.

    i woudnt buy an APS system. that really is paying for nike when gola work just as well.

    Go to willie at Meercat and get one made for you for 1/2 the price.

  7. How does that work?

    They hold it inside your car and see what reading they get. then i would imagine they take into account the surrounding light and conditions in relation to the time of the day do they? i dont really think if that went to court they would get a prosecution.

    My opinion would be of the "find out more about this procedure and go to court rather than accept 3 point rammed into you"

    Theyre also wanting to stick a black box on your car to track how many miles you travel per day and charge you X x .10p or whatever.

    Theyre also going to try and reduce the speed limit in built up areas to 20.

    FFS. i know that they wont do both and they will hit us with the "well, we'll give motorists a break and only shaft them over such and such" but its still becoming a joke.

    You spend half your life not concentrating properly incase you miss a gatso, camera van etc etc.

    Thats the only one constant in my life after eating, drinking water and sleeping. cameras.

    Rant over

    Gumball (retired speed freak/forced to sell my machine and drive diesels by the government)

  8. Ok next meet lets all travell in Gumballs car. 2 in the back . 1 in the front and the goats in the boot!! Sorry forgot it an estate goats behind the goat grill. Once we get where ever we go we can all cook the goats on the "grill". Majic!!!! Im away to the pictures to make use of my half price tickets .

    hahahahahah haah ahahahahahahah hahahah ahahaha

    We would probably be faster going in my car than your scoob. best of luck with the cinema and the modding though.


    why not go crazy and change your back box or your air filter

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