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Posts posted by Gumball

  1. count me.

    1. Matt ..........6th

    2. jc scoob ...(any)

    3. Jasonb......(any)

    4. JohnnyR6..(not fussed..too upset about the timing gear to think)

    5. Fee.....(any)

    7. Adam Kindness....(any)

    8. Miss Scooby....6th please (Gee Wr1 passenger)


    10. Playsatan2...any

    11. WRC No 1....any

    12. Big Daz / Scoobylav.......( any )

    13. Rice Rocket .... (Any)

    14. Ferry Scooby (any)

    15. Weeb (any

    16. GUMBAW (Whenever)

  2. Ian

    Thanks again for the kind words. Please dont feel that my straight face was an indication of my mood today regarding the show. I enjoyed showing off my s****y car to the randoms and had a great run up the road.

    I would like to come back tomorow actually but i cant confirm it yet.

    cheers, it was good to meet you and lesley too. All that talk about travel is enough to put sales on ice and get a job as a camel driver in nepal

  3. 97 degrees??????

    when i was in sierra leone with full battle dress on i had to turn 97 degrees to find a place in the shade. but ill tell you that story when your better dressed.

    Glad to hear your enjoying yourself and here you got offered a position as the MD of a coy?face-icon-small-wink.gifface-icon-small-wink.gifface-icon-small-wink.gif

    dont take it too far and end up cow tipping, snake wrangling or smoking pipe for fun......

    It takes the right guy at the wrong time and you could end up pregnant my son!!!!

    Anyway keep in touch with yourself and save the poppy cos meanwhile back at the ranch theres a whole lotta fellas gettin a who lotta modsface-icon-small-happy.gif

    roger so far..................OUT

  4. Thanks for the kind words folks!!!

    Its taken a fair bit of optimax, phonecalls, emails and cash to pull this off and im looking forward to showing it off at the ayshire event tomorrow.

    I was lucky enough to persuade David Reid at DR MOTORSPORT to part with this prototype which was good of him and i appreciate his help.

    thats the outside work complete almost, apart from new alloys, coilovers etc the the real fun starts in July under that sexy carbon hood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    i would like to come to suburbia for a couple of largers, however i have to do work beleive it or not?

    many happy returns and all the best in the future.

    take the rest of the afternoon off, youve done wellface-icon-small-wink.gif

  6. i want to know again from del or Ian aka GWASS HOPPA if its morally and humanly acceptable to take the sarrazin out tomorrow night and get it very muddy to be different and give it that authentic rally through beruit stage effect?

    Just to make a change from the norm!

    meguirs, autoglymn etc etc.

    whats wrong with farmer palmers cow squat and real mud ????face-icon-small-tongue.gif

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