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Posts posted by Gumball

  1. you just start posting with secret information on boat movement why dont you?

    dont you realise were at war with the enemy within?

    what happens if captain birdseye is part of the SIDC mascarading as wilky for instance?

    dont tell me..........................face-icon-small-wink.gif

  2. how is it people like us only ever hear about these stories after they happen????????

    i bet the gadgy in the photo got busy when he was there too!!!!!!!!!!!!! definately!!!!!!!!!!

    lucky ferker.


  3. what a weirdo.

    running into moving cars is clearly a new one on me...................

    you should have banged him clean out, then rolled him up in a carpet and taken him to the .................with surgical gloves..................................and a white forensic suit........................................................you knw the restface-icon-small-wink.gif

  4. Many thanks to DREADNOUGHT GARAGE for allowing me tp participate in tonights excellent track event at KH.

    I should have asked before i got there but i got the bug watching the fast cars go round.

    Also many thanks to the Ferrari that i smoked on the straight, and decided he was going to overtake me going into the dip. (top man, take the rest of the night off, and give your braincell a rest you coconut)


    apart from that it was another top track day/night and i thouroughly enjoyed it.

    also.............turn right at SALINE before KH and go up that road, then come in the other way to KH. fantastic road. adds about 5 minutes to the journey though.face-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif:

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