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Posts posted by Gumball

  1. As Billy said the night was very good.

    good points-

    1. usual good company.

    2. loads of nice subarus and other cars.

    3. a traffic unit gave me more information to keep me on the right side of the law.

    4. random chicks everywhere

    5. a great run back to glasgow on a sunny saturday night.

    6. chavs scrapping over whos drink it was of the dregs of the buckfast. PRICELESS

    bad points-

    someone kept encouraging me to rev my car to 8000rpm whilst parked. The cars been sick all night. and has a high temperature

    Overall a fantastic night and would be good if more people attended these. It can be classed as chavtastic but if theres enough of us it could turn into a small meet type affair?

  2. as Cyril said

    for all we know Wilky could be in a layby 5km south of crail so that when we go next time he has a headstart to try and smoke us............................

    i called him last night and a janitor from the Millport Firing Range answered the phone!! explain that one YGCface-icon-small-confused.gif

  3. Cyril

    Dont do it, the last time you called a number you saw written somewhere strange you ended up wearing a leather forage cap and a pair of arseless leather jodpers.

    And we know what happened after that YGC...........................

    keep chapping doors at halloween Wilky, i hope you havent given me the number for some shaved ewok???????????

    cos i need to get these wheels sharpish for KHface-icon-small-wink.gif

  4. squirrel- YGC

    Wilky- you couldnt knock out a lightbulb in a black out YGC

    Fai- broken half poney figures LOL, dont think cos your getting gems and anti lag your going to be able to smoke the deathstar. Driving skills are needed.face-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif

    the figures are secret. Just look out and wonderface-icon-small-confused.gif

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