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Posts posted by Gumball

  1. having grown up considerably in the last 6 months i would like to say this-


    "YES, im one of the naughtiest and have the ability to come out with ad-hoc commencts such as get it up you, them apples and smoke me etc although now adays i rather like to watch teh forum and see how peoples cars are coming on be it yours, peters, higgys or stibandit adding mudflaps. Its all relative.My nonsense is due to the fact that as we know it i achieved something for a newage (proven) that set a new challenge for the 00's on the end of another number. SO WHAT. i wanted to do it cos i wanted to do it.

    Yes when i did i became a rolyal pain in the chorus and it annoyed a large number of people. it annoyed them cos i approached it/mouthed off/rejoiced in a certain way and that was wrong. It all annoyed people cos they hadnt done it themselves. Theres many many many a comment about Gumball/pedeastole in the same sentence by people that probably dont have many friends or feel inadequete in SIDC. I cant help them and no longer wish to antagonise them for fun.

    Its all a bit petty and as i said, i enjoy seeing what people do with their cars cos it makes them happy and also gives us all ideas for the future.

    If anyone wanted my grown up advice on 23rd Oct 06 here it is-

    "Having in some respects changed my arrogant/boisterious/round ye ways, i can see now that if you want to mod your car to a certain level then do it. Concern yourself with what your doing, not what other people are doing. Play things down with the mod declaration to reduce jealousy/contempt/confrontation and be happy with what you have and what youve done. If people dont want to get all hissy fit in the bid to break a record thats already been broken and proven then they need to address their issues. Lets all play nice and be happy for each other.

    What happened to teh days when we posted up, I SMOKED AN EVO, FERRARI, PORSCHE ETC ? instead of being gay and slagging each other?

    Chris P


    ps-wuz, i dont know what your issue is but please give me peace.

  2. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Craig, you crack me up sometimes.

    You can see how the IRA propoganda machine worked so effectively between 1969 and 2001.

    This is the same thing, someone WANTS the story to suit them so they modify it, lol


  3. correct Callum, the car was mapped and had been drawing in unmetered air from the start. I never got it dynod after this mistake was realised. i then changed parts and soldiered onto bigger things.

    I cant recall where the ill fitted part was put in but someone clearly was wired to the gable end of a mars bar.

  4. WUZ SAID-Gumball - call Gerry then. Better still, lets get him on here and he'll confirm (as he did to 3 certain people, naming no names) that the rollers weren't running accurately that day and ALL CAR (INCLUDING YOURS) were running around 20 bhp over their true figures.

    You never had 403 M8, SORRY! Gerry will confirm that if you want your bubble burst. Otherwise, let it go.


    ps - within a 1 week period, my car was R/R'ed by 3 places and the BHP varied from 387 - 430. I know it doesn't have 430 so take an average.


    Russell please refer to Andy Forrests posts regarding the turbo/car/difference. Working to your average then at that time it would have been 379bhp before the TD06

    I would like to take the time to point out at this stage that, potentially your correct that it wasnt 403bhp or above with the 20G

    Having said that when it had the TD06 on it it certainly was.

    So once again please carry on doubting the performance of the car (that doesnt really/shouldnt really interest you) and ill continue watching the football, fishing, poling birds and earning enough money at my work to by an alarm clock for waking up after reading your posts.

    Once Mr Orkney brings it down to the next dyno day having made no changes to the performance im going to laugh outwardly as you eat your hat.

    My next scoob will be the new shape STI11 and it will be getting left standard.

  5. wel lcommon sense prevails. you have a 20g and it dynos 403bhp. then you put in a new turbo and the difference is like the difference between the standard and the ppp again.

    so would you then agree that speculating an increase of 27bhp is an exaggeration on under speculated?

    you decide as clearly you guys have the answers? or is it jealousy?

  6. That car and the occupants are the bearers of scary presence but never proceed with anything.

    1st time i met them they stopped wilky and i in carmunock as we moved foxtrot through the village late at night doing nothing other than carrying a stick.

    2nd time i was in the deathstar mobile at 100mph roughly over the braes and they were in the laybys as i wooshed past. they stopped me in Lawburn mentioning speed, teh PF and other tripe. never heard a thing

    I would say that yes people get pulled off the normal plod these days but i think you were speeding rather than driving carelesly.

    dont worry about it, nothing will happen if they never gave you any paperwork

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