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Everything posted by Gumball

  1. Just practise and get used to it before you go mental. Plenty of track, fast road, time trial and quarter mile folks on here to help you learn
  2. Great project! I was drooling reading the spec and then the photos as time passed. Looks like youre gonna have a great car very soon and with the 1k clutch its certainly not popping ! Good luck with the final outcome and hope you get the 1/4mile and hp result youre after
  3. Great report mate !! really enjoyed reading it and the photos are superb too. Especially the one with Wuz eating the huge burger Like what the M3 driver has done with the over excessive nurburgring sticker. Fancy one of those.
  4. Pay the £75 for a new windscreen and pretend its a mod. I did it recently and love the new shiny clear view
  5. Sounds like youre pretty set on the Blitz TBH. thats a loud loud exhaust but each to their own. Ive had that system and then a meercat system and prefered meercat. I also asked him to make me a short short back box so it was loud as a box of starving meercats. it was loud on boost but didnt piss me off driving around town like that blitz did. Recently i went and got a revolution 3" system from......revolution and love it. Its fairly quite around town as decats go but when it opens up it sounds sweet. 3" all the way though. no choke points
  6. Xmas meet/ track day at KH would be cool
  7. Having been remapped a few weeks ago, I started using the clever racerom ability to flat shift all the time on boost. Could be the increase in torque but wondered if the flat shifting had lead to the clutch failing within 2 weeks? Anyone else using it in anger and had problems with slip afterwards? Ordered up an exedy pink racing clutch but before i use flat shifting again, id like to know if it could wear down the new clutch quickly?
  8. Sounds good. Im kinda sorry I didnt make it down today
  9. I know, im just retaliating. See you soon silver fox
  10. LOL, youre such a fooler. When i got closer to home i started to lose boost as well. Surging/holding back a little. Then i saw the induction kit was roasting. piece of shat. The thing came apart the other day and i taped it all together. i need to look at it tomorrow. C) I thought we were going in a straight line side by side using the same gear? well until the big bend where you moved out the way with brown fluid down your trunks. your getting old
  11. Thats a fair point. The air is gonna be cooled when it hits the IC so maybe doesnt matter. Just started thinking that the standard air vent/intake must have been there doing something as i dont remember ever feeling that standard plastic part hot ! then you induct it and hey presto, roasty
  12. Hi Callum, I can help. Whilst searching through the yellow pages last year in need of a damn good spraying, I found this man who offers good prices. Initially I thought he wouldnt be very good, but he sure knew what he was doing. A very good spraying !! Reputable sprayer And here is a shot of the finished result
  13. Cheers Al ! The deathstar in action, brings back fond memories ! I wonder if she still goes? Good seeing you and the family again ! Good luck with the new one in 5 weeks
  14. Took the black plastic thing off the newage that rams cold air into the panel filter area thinking the CAI wouldnt benefit from it as it would be in the wing. Noticed when i got home today that the K&N induction box was pretty damn hot. Although its enclosed with the filter sealed in a plastic cone, the plastic felt roasting. Now the hose is stuffed down into the wing so cold air is coming up into the cone. 1. Is the hot cone making the filter/ air hot coming into it? 2. Should i *******ise the plastic funnel i took off so it rams air towards the cone? 3. Should i build a boxed off area out of that special foil stuff OR alloy to protect the area from evil hot air? Also- Dave Hatrick (corsa)- decatted 2.5 2007 STI is quicker than my decatted RB320 2.5 2007 decatted. WTF ! Its true and made me sad
  15. Callum always enjoyed coming home to Alba and running what he brung....his turbo charged injector cosworth vtec supercharged NA V12 2.8 mpower nova
  16. Like a ginger headed step son
  17. Again you have excelled yourself with the photography. Here is a photo of the Valet tech work today. Dropped the car off at 0900hrs and went fishing at swanswater. when i returned, they had got a guy out to fix a dent in the door with no prior notice, machined the surface layer of the car getting all the scratches out, valeted the car and waxed it using some special stuff. £200 for the detailing, £65 for the dent. Just a pity it was such a shatty day or i could have got some good photos of her all cleaned up.
  18. Dougie the options are endless. Depends what you wanna do? I break hard and always use Mintex 1144s on STI discs with reddot fluid. If you track then consider performance friction, DBA etc or even STI 4 pot callipers. Stay away from EBC if you want to live (IMO) Hypertech is worth a call
  19. Paul remembered these kinds of intense thread hijacks from a few years back, when he joined SIDC with the infinate hope that one day he would become an RO. At his award dinner when asked why he wanted the job? was it to lead by example? make a difference to the club? bring innovation and change? Paul calmly looked up from his whicker chair with his glass of eldorado with a wry smile on his face before saying ''the lure of arranging convoys with young men is simply too exciting to pass up''
  20. Although Callum enjoyed his job teaching people the safe practises for difficult crane lifts, he spent so much time trawling the web late at night, for Taiwanese dwarfs to pump, he forgot to pin the crane in position prior to lifting a load on the main block
  21. Mate this is an awesome adventure ! It has inspired me to go and do this on Monday before I go back to work for 3 weeks !! I went from Glasgow- Lomond- Glencoe- Great Glen- Kyle- Strathcarron- Loch Maree- Gairloch last week but missed out the road you were on. These photos as well.................they are SUPERB !!! Well Done !! Please make the september outing between 1st and 12th so I can make it
  22. LOL your aff yer heed. Well thought out and executed though. I also found on my laptop the still captured from the CCTV outside Kwang Tung in Paisley, when you stormed out in a huff having not won the annual raffle for a bottle of Old Spice Anal Bleach, and didnt pay !!! Tisk Tisk
  23. Booked into Valet tech stirling tomorrow morning for an all day machine polish and wax session I think it was Paul that told me about it the other day. £200 for the full car so wondering if anyone has before and after photos of similar jobs or work these guys have done? G
  24. Yeah you all knew me better than I did myself. touche` RB420 lol. I would never change anything externally as its a gem as is. Maybe when i was young and daft It could get from where it is to over 400 with a change of turbo but its too risky i think and im really happy with the performance. I have looked at blowers but on advice it would be better to proactively strenghten the internals first, and then uprate it again. Had a quick look as i know eventually it will happen........ 600 quid for pistons How many hours labour? 20? 30? Or Get the turbo and if the pistons go then replace them lol This is how it all started the last time NB. I heard someone say last night ''look, the RB has a normal STI splitter'' It doesnt, it has an RB splitter as standard but I dont like the RB320 badge on the splitters so changed it to STI. Imagine that
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