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Posts posted by vicki

  1. Thanks for all the advice, glad I asked. Going to do a bit more research on trackers before I decide. RAC don't sound too good.

    Will phone S&S too for a quote in the new year. Didn't think of that!

    Spooks, I don't even let anyone wash my car for me, so its got to be someone who will be careful face-icon-small-happy.gif

  2. Thanks Ally

    Just phoned S&S and they said I don't have a tracker fitted face-icon-small-sad.gif

    It is a Thatcham Cat 1 alarm tho (just found the booklet)

    When I think back now, I did have hassle getting insured quotes from some places. A lot were asking about a tracker.

    Just need to spend all my pennies on one so my car doesn't get lost face-icon-small-wink.gif

  3. Hi Guys

    I want to buy a tracker for my car, but the only one I can find is the RAC one. It is a Thatcham Q at £399 plus £120 subscription per year. Does this sound ok? They will fit it in a local garage for me.

    The others I have found online seem a bit complicated and technical. At least I have heard of RAC!!!!!

    Any advice appreciated.

    Vicki face-icon-small-smile.gif

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