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Posts posted by vicki

  1. Hello Strapper (where did you get that nick name from!!)

    Before I bought my scooby, all I heard were good reports about these cars from people who owned them, they were reliable, "nippy" and nothing really ever went wrong with them.

    I would recommend you buy one cos I still believe the above is true.

    It is the best car I have bought so far and when the time comes will probably trade it in for another [;)]

    (This is about the extent of my scooby knowledge) [^o)]

  2. Hello and Welcome Rich [;)]

    I am in Hamilton too.  I have a silver classic, so if you see me you better wave [:D]

    Thought I had the only scooby in Hamilton, but it appears not.

    Saw 4 different ones from Andiamo restuarant (across from Town Hall) window today, one looked like yours around 2pm [:D]

    Enjoy the forum!!

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