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Everything posted by oletam

  1. I agree too another satisfied customer.
  2. Yes it was but I also got them to do me a new back box. Total of £380. I already had a snakehead downpipe so the sports cat waas fitted after the downpipe. Just cut into a straight section and fitted the cat in line. Passed the mot the same day. The rear box has been rerouted from the standard one with 90 degree bends, and now is a gentle curve. I find that it spools up much quicker. Apparently Andy Forrest has tested a car with the rear box modded like that and it produces an extra 20bhp. Certainly feels like it.
  3. £230 fitted. Meercat Exhausts. 01505 685235 http://www.meercat-exhausts.com/ I think they were Meercat before search engine. Stuck with it now though.
  4. Got much more of a burble now. Still not as loud as yours. Is that your flat up for sale again? Tommy
  5. Big thanks to Scott from Meercat. Paid a visit this morning for a sports cat to be fitted and talked myself into a back box as well. He hand built the box in about 2 hours from scratch. Sounds great and it passed the MOT test, this afternoon. Now got a prodrive backbox from my Hawkeye which will be for sale if anyones interested.
  6. I broke 2 HT splitters and the only suspension mod is prodrive springs(20mm). Looks good but I've left ot off cos it's£130/time
  7. Just had my geometry set up done my Seditas in Prestwick. Settings based on Duncan's at Hypertech. Also had Toyo Proxes fitted. Different car.... handles like on rails.
  8. I got mine direct from Andy F. Still had to fit it though.
  9. I've got a VF34 on mine and then mapped by Andy. About 325bhp. Awesome accelaration. Ditto the red thingy-is it just painted or a new part. would look good on my black Hawkeye.
  10. Pulled in to a field gateway and onto what I thought was long grass. Wrong! Result -splitter gubbed. That's the second one. It did seem to break easily. HT autos hard plastic. Anybody else using something a bit more rugged.
  11. Just a wee update. Now got the elbow fitted. Throttle response seems much better and smoother. It might be imagination but I think I'm getting slightly better fuel consumption. On the con side, since the part was coming from US I was billed £14 extra from the carrier for customs handling.
  12. I've got the anti lift kit, rear drop links and 24mm rear bar. ALK requires geometry set up. Best mod by far was rear anti roll bar. Makes turn in much better and car feels much more planted.
  13. Hats off to S & S. Went back in today to see them about the rattle and they saw to it straight away. Poorly seated spring. Now fixed and noise free----for the moment.
  14. Was that an offer?!!
  15. I thought that would be the case. Considering taking it throught to Duncan at Hypertech. His settings aren't as aggresive.
  16. Just had all 4 replaced by S&S under warranty on my Hawkeye(56). The geometry was set to the Prodrive fast road settings. Feels well planted apart froma rattle from front offside which I'll get them to check. I'm a bit concerned that the camber settings might cause premature tyre wear. Does anybody know what the Prodrive settings are?
  17. Don't have an answer to that. I know that we get claims all the time, but I don't know whether they're successful. But then again a claim paid out isn't fixing the road! That said I would claim if I had to.
  18. Can only agree but the council roads dept don't have any budget for repair, they can barely keep up with the potholes, which we all know last only a few weeks particularly in adverse weather. I work in the traffic section and daily see complaints from the public re potholes. The fault imho lies with the budget allocation, most of it goes on education and social work. The trunk roads are much better off since the operating company budget comes from Transport Scotland and is spent exclusively on roads maintenance. Perhaps there is a case for lobbying central goverment for extra funding for the councils exclusively for road repairs. I know that South Ayrshire's roads budget barely allows them to keep the roads in their present deplorable state, far less renewing worn out roads.
  19. I got the one from this site but it cost me £61. Seems a lot but when you compare it with the cost for most induction kits...not so bad. Better safe than sorry I suppose. Thanks for the info
  20. Take off front wheel, remove inner wing cover, 1 screw and half a dozen pop fittings(careful not to break them). You wil thwn see the resonator arrangement.You can see the top nut in the engine bay between airbox and intake. loosen and remove. The lower one is at the bottom of the unit, a skint knuckle job to remove, but was only finger tight after breaking the original grip. Unit then lifts out and you can replace the inner wing. No need for bumper removal Below is a link to how its done. http://www.scoobypedia.co.uk/index.php/Kno...esonatorRemoval
  21. I had something similar on mine. Turned out to be the heat shields rattling. Removed them and heat wrapped the pipe. problem solved
  22. That does make sense. Can you point me in the right direction to get one.
  23. Pretty expensive. Maybe just make something up. see Halfords selling flexi pipe which might do
  24. Just removed the reonator box from inside the front wing on my hawkeye. Only had a wee run so far but plenty of induction noise and turbo spool up. Can even hear the dump valve. Does anybody supply a hose that will fit between the airbox and the underbonnet intake? Running with nothing on at the moment so it might be drawing in some hot air. Any opinions?
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