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Everything posted by kjdmk1

  1. The caravan piece was a real hoot[] some how i think they may be getting a call off the caravan club[:@] Fantastic[]
  2. Enjoy your ride home today Cliff[]
  3. It looks as if we have 15 attending from south wales scoobys as you wanted to know.
  4. For a min i thought i was in muppets on SN[]
  5. How hard is this choice eh Kev?! My plan of action is this: wednesday: off to Notts to see blue one Saturday: off to Sunderland to see white one If white one isn`t as good as blue one.......buy blue one on the way home[] Sound like a plan, I've never been in a Evo so you will have to take me out in it one day.
  6. For me white all the way but the blue does look mint. I would say buy the best one whatever the colour because they are both nice[H]
  7. Best of luck to both of you.
  8. Cliff, I,m pleased for you i know you have been iching to get into one for a while now good luck and dont be a stranger.
  9. He told me to ask you Guys as you are running the club stand[:^)] will ask sp to get hold of organisers to find out! Thanks[]
  10. I always thought the bright flitter looked fine as it was[] Thought about bronze if your looking for a change?
  11. He told me to ask you Guys as you are running the club stand[:^)]
  12. Do you know where the SIDC stand/parking will be this year? We have around 25 coming along.[]
  13. I'm going to wait a year collect the free bonus ones and just sit on them for a while and see what happens. I did not think that the 5% discount was that good so dont think i'll get any more.
  14. Every one was a winner on the Sidc stand this year, perfect position, thanks Muddy[] And what a great range of cars turned up. The quality of the show and shire cars was quite something well done everyone that entered[]
  15. Potential Attendees: 1. Muddy 2. A. Burkinshaw 3. APIDavid 4. Laptop/ WRX STi Version IV V limited RA MY98 5. Wimpy 6.Wilky 7.kjdmk1 8. 9. 10.
  16. Been working in Bristol for the past few days and it seems that every other white van has one of those window mounted flags, is it the same over the rest of England?
  17. For me and many others we did feel a bit out of the way but where else are we going to go??? The position we were in last year was perfect for watching a bit of track action and having a bbq etc at the same time but i guess its just not big enough for all. I suppose we could of had a small area more central but then that means cutting down on the numbers, you cant win!!!!!.
  18. Its not stopped raining here (south wales) all day and right now it looks more like december than the end of may, let hope its a little better tomorrow.[um]
  19. Muddy, intending to arrive around 8am if you need me any earlier just let me know.
  20. Fantastic effort, well done[]
  21. Hope you all have a good day tomorrow it should be quite a sight, good luck everyone[]
  22. Just thought i would post up a link to the pic's of the Prodrive tour that 15 of us lucky people went on yesterday[] Prodrive-tour-pic's
  23. South wales scoobys would like a regional area for 23 cars please.[]
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