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Everything posted by revwell

  1. i ddnt see any dough nuts jsut sped out off control

  2. LO im rev and i drive a lorry,a reall big one.

  3. Hello from the rev (SMILE ill make you fmous)

  4. revwell

    Germany 07

    revs pics
  5. Hi, it was nice to meet some new and old faces. Tks to all for a good day, Gumball,Warby let me know if it was the fuel
  6. HQ Leaving at 6.10 Pele & Lee Thurrock Services Meeting @ 6AM Leaving @ 6.30am Sharp 1. Tiny 2. Pele 3. Camera Car 4. RB5 286 5. RB5 191 6. Ederboy 7. Loony Tune 8. Supercue 9. Sccose n Luke 10. Karl22B (AKA BlackScooby 1) 11. Hol (AKA HOL) South Mimms Services 7am Leaving asap 1. Frenchy 2. Scooby WRX n Sue Toddington Services About 7-45am Leaving there asap 1. Kip 2. Revwell n mrs Rev
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