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Everything posted by revwell

  1. i ddnt see any dough nuts jsut sped out off control

  2. LO im rev and i drive a lorry,a reall big one.

  3. Hello from the rev (SMILE ill make you fmous)

  4. revwell

    Germany 07

    revs pics
  5. A very very sad day, R.I.P Colin/Johnny
  6. Hi, it was nice to meet some new and old faces. Tks to all for a good day, Gumball,Warby let me know if it was the fuel
  7. nice one m8ty
  8. HQ Leaving at 6.10 Pele & Lee Thurrock Services Meeting @ 6AM Leaving @ 6.30am Sharp 1. Tiny 2. Pele 3. Camera Car 4. RB5 286 5. RB5 191 6. Ederboy 7. Loony Tune 8. Supercue 9. Sccose n Luke 10. Karl22B (AKA BlackScooby 1) 11. Hol (AKA HOL) South Mimms Services 7am Leaving asap 1. Frenchy 2. Scooby WRX n Sue Toddington Services About 7-45am Leaving there asap 1. Kip 2. Revwell n mrs Rev
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