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Posts posted by quentin_moss

  1. Well it depends on how many people we can distribute them too, I have also done a KS flyer for you all to put on windscreens of scoobs you see out and about.

    As we seem to only have a handful of people turn up to the meets I dont suppose we need that many but if more people turn up then more printed ( sorry a bit obvious that)

    <?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" />This is the flyer but they print with the logo and 3 to a page so they have to be cut, guilletine anyone????



    <?xml:namespace prefix = o />


    Is a Kent Based Subaru club run by enthusiasts as a division of the S.I.D.C – Subaru Impreza Drivers Club.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


    We meet on the 3rd Friday of every month, alternating between The Wharf Pub near Bluewater and The Pub at Nottcutts Garden Centre near <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Maidstone.


    Even though we are primarily interested in Subaru Marques all are welcome, and with no membership fee it is worth the visit.


    We also organise regular cruises,

    Rolling Road
    days etc and even the occasional picnic (weather permitting)


    So why not come along and join in?


    Email – kentscoobies@btinternet.com

  2. Cheers Guys, with help from everyone this could be good, I have already done a quick mock up one which we had for the Sunday at Kent Modded Show.

    I have paper for the next one but I need a colour and Black ink cartridge for a Dell photo printer 720 or someone prepared to print them out?


  3. My mate Michael at Impossible Performance in Rochester (01634 710777)does both the normally aspirated ones (normally operate when you let off)

    Or for a bit more money does the propane ones, like used on the Fuel Almera...

    Apparently can get up to 8 foot flames but watch out for the fact you will be carrying a gas canister in car (Cheers Tony)

    No guarantee but say I sent you, you may get a deal (just dont buy fuel hose)


  4. As I am a tight git, I have found some on fleabay.

    They are from a company called Momoitaly and they do LED gauges that look really nice at no more than £8.00 each (BNIB) and postage is £7.99 plus £1.49 insurance.

    For that money you cant go wrong??

  5. Cool mate cheers, yeah Q is fine.

    Im going to use the pic of you and Daniel in the next Newsletter.

    I will make them available for the next meet so the sooner people get ideas in the better.

    It really is a lot of work for just a little bit of paper but it will be worth it in the end.

    Im speaking to a few people with a view for sponsorship, it really wont cost a lot as all I am after is paper and ink and some company logo's discount deals would be good.

    My time is free (not worth much if I tried to charge anyway)[:D]

  6. Hi all

    Not too sure if this was such a good idea (it sounded right in my head) but I have been in talks with Pele and we have decided to hand me the responsibility of a monthly newsletter.

    I really will need your input though so please post to this any suggestions for what you want to see???

    Please bear in mind this will be small to start with but who knows in the future.

    I already have some format to it, which includes General details (I have also designed a flyer to put on windscreens) Up and coming events, Q & A's, Show write ups, For Sale / Wanted and a members profile ( if you want to see your car in a mini mag email me some details)

    I have almost finished the first rough draft which we will be handing out at Kent Modded but im sure it will change over the next few months.

    So far the things I will need from you all is:

    For Sale / Wanted stuff (doesn't have to be scooby related)

    Write ups on shows you have been to or wish to see?

    Rally news?

    Pics and details of your cars for members profile

    And generally any other ideas for what you want to read about?

    I will also be making this available as an online thing so if you cant make a meet you will still get a copy so please add your name to the list:

    Ps I will also need a sponsor, but the cost will be low as all I need are Paper and Ink, my time is free (ish)


    1. Q-Dog (but only cos I will be writing it)

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